which direction on carbs?
Just a question that was brought up in discussion. I've seen 3 duece set ups with the carb bowls facing both frontward and backwards. Is there a correct way? I can see mounting them forward so they would clear the distributor, but backwards looks better. Just an interesting question.
Re: which direction on carbs?
Originally posted by chevy 37
Just a question that was brought up in discussion. I've seen 3 duece set ups with the carb bowls facing both frontward and backwards. Is there a correct way? I can see mounting them forward so they would clear the distributor, but backwards looks better. Just an interesting question.
as long as when stopping, turning a coiner or accelerating the gas dont slosh one-way or another and run the jets or pump lean it wouldn't make a dif.. on a st. car it should work either way.