I'm seriously thinking about getting a gear drive for my 327 chevy any suggestions pro or con
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I'm seriously thinking about getting a gear drive for my 327 chevy any suggestions pro or con
Snake oil, go with a good single or double roller chain.
Snake oil? Why? I have a gear drive in my SBC powered '34 Ford Roadster. It sounds great and runs good too. If you want to have fun with Hotrods there are no rules, just do what you want.
I like my gear drive In my 350 's and I'm putting one in my 429 I just like the sound of that whine . I did have a guy come up to me and try to tell me once My bearing were getting ready to go cause he was herring a whine from my motor I told him to sit down before he hurts himself from thinking to hard:confused: :rolleyes: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:but to awnser your question There is really no diffrence between two except price again some may argue that one is better then the other but I haven't found any diffrence between two except the price
:CRY: Snake oil is right good double gears and chain no problems
I've heard stories of gear drives setting up a harmonic vibration in the cam/valvetrain? That's the story I got when I asked why they are NOT recommended for Hydraulic lifters. I think a blower drive belt is the way to go. HEHEHE Bias as I might be. HEHE:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: **)
... on what's cool and what's not. To many people, a noisy gear drive on a steet car rates right up there with the fake blower/injector carb covers. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Personally I'd rather spend the money on something that will ACTUALLY make power, or just put it in the gas tank and go for a drive. :) :D :3dSMILE:
It sounds like most of the whining is coming from guys that don't have gear drives? lol
Originally posted by topless
It sounds like most of the whining is coming from guys that don't have gear drives? lol
...... I still think I'd let the 3" blower belt do the whining.......:)
Personally, I like a little bread and cheese with my "whine":3dSMILE:
Hey! none of us have to drive Hotrods, lets just have fun and enjoy the cars. There are no rules, whatever you want to do is OK!
I have had gear drives in my last 3 cars, both big block and small blocks. The sound was cool, and I got used to it. I never had one break anything related to the valve train, or see any adverse effects on it either. Now the new motor, being a strickly race motor, has a Jessel belt drive. I suppose if I was gonna build another street motor, I would put a chain drive on it. Hey, even the blower belt whine starts gettin to ya after a while, but it sure gets the blood pumpin. "Fun with cars":D
I think the hype about the harmonics is just something to talk about. I have never heard of any casualties that have been proven to have been caused by gear drive. I had a gear drive a few years ago. I liked it, for awhile. I had no problems with it, it worked fine. I got some good comments, and some bad. Some people liked it, some didnt. It's up to you, if you want it, go for it. Dont worry about what others say. I personally got tired of the sound after awhile, that's why I changed it. Remember, it's your ride.
I've used both systems, and it's probably just because I am an ol geezer, I don't need the noise on the street. When I was younger, I liked it. But now adays I don't even like my Stereo very loud. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
you know they make "quiet" gear drives and "noisy" geardrives so pick whatever you want. ive got a quiet one from edelbrock works great isnt very noisy and doesnt stretch like a chain will.......scooter
There was a problem somewhere along the line with round track race cars braking timing chains, with the on again, off again of the accelerator. The gear drive solved some problems there, but on the st. its a little over kill. its your car put, put what you wont, its sure not going to hurt anything. :HMMM: :D
I think in summation, it comes down to what you want. If you can handle a little noise, plan on getting into it often and plan to keep the car around forever, go for the gear drive. If you just plan to use it as a street motor, dont think you'll mind tearing it down at about 125-150K and dont plan to reef on it too often, theres nothing wrong with a timing chain. Just dont get one of those @#$%^ing timing belts!
Per Edelbrock..........
Important Note: Accu-Drive® Gear Drives are not recommended for use above 7,000 rpm or on computer-controlled vehicles with knock sensors.
And we all know that timing chains will only spin what, 10,000 rpm, mabey more, we all must deside whats best for our motors depending on it's limitations. :whacked:
Ive personally never had an issue with chain stretch when using a decent quality chain. its personal preferance, but I dont like noises in my engine that dont serve any purpose, like a gear drive whine.
If you want some valve train noise that is bearable, get mechanical lifters.
i shift my motor at 7500 and spin it up-to 10 gear drive works just fine alwasy has always will and they make quiet gear drives AND noisy ones.......scooter
I put a gear drive in my 350. I had what I considered low oil pressure and we had a drive ahead.
I had the cam swapped out for a .196/.204 and put in a Summit gear drive. I like the blower sound but in a van forget about it. The new cam and gear drive helped the oil pressure, and masked engine noise so we made it to La. I screwed up on clearances and so did the mechanic we had helping us. The gear drive ate the timing chain cover and was almost through the cover.
Would I use a gear drive again? Not in a van. I liked the difference in timing control, however maybe a new chain would have given the same result.
to me it doesnt sound like a blower, it sounds like something attempting to sound like one, but, not very good at it.
The cam change helped your oil pressure maybe, the gear drive had noting to do with it. a new chain wouldve taken care of your timing