anifreeze in oil??
i have been loseing antifreeze for the last year i put a half gal every 3 months. truck runs great.. doesnt over heat. there was no water in my oil.until the other day..still running good..no smoke. no leaks. just antifreeze in my oil now..do you think its a bad intake manafold gasket. or a head gasket( thanks for your opinions..and your replys):confused: :confused: :HMMM:
Could be .............. Or a casting crack someplace. Wherever it's coming from, if you want to save the engine you need to get to the problem right away. Antifreeze and bearings don't get along too well.
I second that, find out asap, the additives in your oil will only do SO much.
YUP!, The only place anti-freeze is slippery, is on the floor. It will take the bearings out in a short while.. Sounds like a cracked head if she's been drinkin for a while!!
No guarantees, but if it is a head gasket, you might be able to tell by starting it up, removing the radiator cap, and wicking the throttle once or twice. If you see pressure in the radiator, its pretty much a definate.
Good Luck,
it could either be warped heads, manifold gaskets, or head gaskets
Already been answered what to check for. I would definately start tearing it down. Take heads to a machine shop and let them check um. Look close to see where the problem is. Could be a loose bolt on the intake manifold, maybe.
If it is an aluminum intake manifold, check where the cooling jackets meet the intake. aluminum manifolds have a tendancy to corrode away there, mixing with the oil from the camshaft.