Originally posted by drg84
Wow, this has become one amazing thread. Nice to see this much input:) As for the %80 remark Lt1, your right. There is room for improvement. But based on current computations, its more than possible. Based on an outdated downdraft with 1984 technology, it wouldnt work. We have to remember that computers are constantly updating. In 1984 the top of the line was a AppleIIE with 740K of memory running at somewhere around 7 mhz. And even then, the automotive computers had not had the required sensors to evaluate differing running conditions. Anyone who has worked on a newer system knows that the computer can actually read misfires due to differences in voltage off the plugs. Basicly what im saying is that a dual TBI would be possible, but with a system that can read the engine, not guess at it. But if your taking that route, a Multiport would be much more effective. A cheap and easy way to accomplish this would be to locate a engine with the sensors already in place for a multiport setup and program the computer for dual TBI. Then it would run decently and still have the shock value. In fact, i wonder how much it would take to update a Cross-fire system?
i like the EFI idea but i miss the experimenting :cool: