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03-19-2005 09:10 AM #1
It roars, It stinks, it won't idle, but by God it runs---
Just fired the engine in the roadster pickup--open headers---sounds like world war 3---big time stink---new paint on engine and headers "heat curing"---garage full of smoke--heart going to explode with excitement. Had to pull my truck up to the garage door and boost the battery that is destined for hotrod duty---took forever to get gas up to the carburator. I can only assume that for it to run as well as it does that I must have got the timing chain and sprockets on correctly. I'm not sure, but I may be one tooth out on the distributor installation---had to turn the distributor body counterclockwise when viewed from the top untill the lump that sticks out on the side of the distributor cap was getting damn cozy with the recessed firewall before it would run smooth. Don't seem to have any engine oil leaks (thank God)---however I see a small puddle of tranny fluid under the radiator---will have to check the tranny cooler connections at bottom of radiator. Right now the engine will continue running if I keep diddling the accelerator pump slightly, but dies if I just let it idle---I think that is probably fuel starvation caused by bad float level in the old quadrajet. (I've never had that quadrajet apart, just scrubbed 20 years of dirt off the outside of it)---will get it rebuilt.---Am I happy---you bet your sweet bum I am.Old guy hot rodder
I wore a camouflage T-shirt once. The response in the pub was "Oooh, it's a floating head!" .
the Official CHR joke page duel