Thread: 383 stroker vibration
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04-10-2005 09:58 AM #1
383 stroker vibration
I just finiched a 58 corvette retro car for a friend, and I'm having fits with the engine. It's a 383 stroker motor that he purchased from a reputable builder. It has a Demon 600, JEGS HEI with no vacuum advance, rebuilt 700R4, Autolite 3924 plugs, 93 octane gas, stock exhaust manifolds.
The problem is that the engine vibrates at about 2000 rpm in any gear, or standing stationary. It also has a bad vibration if I stick my foot in it at about 4000 rpm. I don't think that it is in the driveline. It's about the same feeling you get if two plug wires are crossed--it just doesn't seem to be firing right. I have the total timing set at 32, and the idle timing set at 14. I've tried moving that around, but just get pinging when I advance it much more. The harmonic balancer seems to be ok. Could the plugs be to cold?? If you get the car out on the road, and just hold speed, it's fine. The minute that you accelerate, and it hits the 2000 rpm mark, the vibration is back. I can push past it, until the engine really starts to wind, and then I feel it again. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.mike vette in florida
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