I think I can still put a Holley together blindfolded. That's not the issue. Edelbrocks on the street work great and once calibrated stay in tune. They are also less susceptible to plugging passages from fuel contaminents. Holley's are an excellent carb, but it sure isn't rocket science to tune one.......JMO
holley's really dont "fall out of tune" :LOL:
I think the main reason its edelbrock now is their support of the war effort,I saw in hotrod mag and some other places that uncle eddy sent some shirts hats and posters over to the boys,and girls,over in iraq.I am building a street ride and using alot of edelbrock stuff because of what support I have seen,In this day nobody wants to give a yes or no answer and uncle eddy made his statment and said we support this,they coulda set on the sidelines and said this is tooo political we might loose business,but I see which side of the table they saddled up to.:LOL:
Yeah Edelbrock stuff is still nice though IMO. Their stuff might not be for the high hp racing engines but good street peformance. Now on my 48 I won't be using nothing but maybe an air filter from Edelbrock since it will be my pro street and I will be racing it.