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Thread: Loss of power

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  1. #1
    ED JONES is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 65 CHEVY C10 PICKUP

    Angry Loss of power


    I put a rebuilt distributor in my 283 and it run fine for about 2 weeks. I was driving it the other day and it just cut off and when I pushed the clutch in and let off it started back up. It did it again and this time it back fired and started back up. I checked the distributor cap and rotary button and seemed to be fine. When I let it idle the battery gauge surges and sometimes it cut off just idling. Anyone have any answers?

  2. #2
    76GMC1500 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    If I let my idle drop below 450 rpm, my alternator voltage surges because the alternator can't produce a constant 13.5 volts at that speed. Is your alternator not spinning quickly enough? That shouldn't cause the powerloss though. The backfire when your engine starts back up is unburnt fuel in the exhaust igniting. I would look at the condensor.

  3. #3
    blackcadillac's Avatar
    blackcadillac is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 1966 merc. mont. 2dr ht, 70 cougar elim.

    Be sure to check you Neg wire Contacts.
    "If you can't run with the BIG DOGS stay on the Porch and screw their pooch ! "

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