Thread: 260 lifters
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10-06-2003 12:03 AM #1
260 lifters
OK, as stated in my profile, I have a cutlass with a 260 slightly modded. However, its been a bad weekend for the old girl. After showing up a little honda civic, i was greeted to the sound of fuel being driven back out the carb. On the side of the road, I cracked of the valve covers only to find that #3 cylinders exhaust valve wasnt opening. Pulling out both pushrods, I managed to limp it home(after replacing the valve covers, of course). I have managed to recover all of the 16 lifters but one. Ironically, the one that failed. This thing would rather break apart then come out. Ive tried WD40, heat, lifter puller(Yeah, Right!) and oiling the outside and letting it sit. And ideas? I kind of need this car. The eagle wont be legal for a week.(brakes are needed, right?)Right engine, Wrong Wheels
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