the Holley 1940 1bbl on my '67 Falcon 200 I6 does not work right at all. me and my dad belive the needle valve is bad. if the car is started, somrtimes it will start to go very rich, so rich that gas goes onto the manifold from a open vac port, and it runs like crap, if the needle valve is tapped ( right behind fuel filter ) it clears right up, thought it would stay clear but we took it for a drive, and it starts to go back to the crappy state, but if the throttle is blipped in neutral, it will clear up. any idea's on what to do?
also, sometimes if the car is started, in park, the car goes in reverse, but the indicator still says park, and it takes pushing the lever above park and then letting it slide back in park, to get it to go in park, any idea's on this? and also, if the brakes are laid on hard, the car will stall, what is wrong, do I have a bad torque converter?