Originally Posted by fallowfield
I did precisely the following:
1.I mounted the new coil properly (it was just tyraped temperarily)
2. I unpluged one at a time the spark plug cables to measure the resistance of cables 1,3,5,7 as they are the easiest to get to (7.5k - 10K- a little high??) and reconnected them. What shpould I be reading on these?
3. I measured the idle voltage of the TPS. (1.1v)
4. I then pulled the connectors of the Air intake and coolant sensors and scraped the pins/recepticals and sprayed some contact cleaner and reconnected.
I went for a drive and the problem is gone - lots of power!!! Was it oxidixed connector contacts?????? ............is it fixed or just in remission?????????????
Now I can't make it happen and it is almost 80 out!
go figure!