I have broke 2 stud girdels one on #4 intake and #5 intake any one know y? 28thousand on the rollers, have a 665 lift on the cam all new parts, just broke the gear drive in it to?:mad: :mad:
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I have broke 2 stud girdels one on #4 intake and #5 intake any one know y? 28thousand on the rollers, have a 665 lift on the cam all new parts, just broke the gear drive in it to?:mad: :mad:
broke it were ?the girdel or rocker studs. who s stud girdels? how did you brake the gear drive ? if you want to keep your valves springs from breaking to i would not used the gear drive. it sounds like something hit hard like piston to valve ? coil bind or the girdel was hitting on the back side of the rockers have see this. (girdle to low )look at (the stand off ) they hold the rocker to the stud and the girdle clamps to them . make sure they are not hitting at full lift in the rocker body I have seen this to. this will put the rocker in a bind before full lift check all the push rods to and the lifters. on the lifter are they right ones for the block ? if a mark 5 or6 you need the taller lifter body . is this cam a small base circle cam?
Its the rocker studs breaking. Was only 2, both intake. The ideler washes fell off the gear drive or I found 1 in the oil pan but not the oter 1, It was new but did not think to check it for missing parts.Is it to big to fit any where else? the was nothing in the oil, oil pump was not in good shape had some shit go throgh it. Went to a pro gear chain noe for timing,All the push rord are 7/16 and not bent have to chevk the vavles to c if there are bent. I am alittel piss at this motor right now to take the heads off to c the pisston. I just put 15,000 into it. If it runs with out smoking then i will run it.:D The cam was for drag racing and all the springs are set for the cam, I might have had the rollers up side down(not the flat on top for tighting them down, 1 is tapered and 1 side flat) I did not look when takeing them off untill the last few and there was 2 wroung.
well you need to check all the things i said .sounds like something is hitting . i have used 760 lift roller cams on the street and use 260lbs at the seat and over 650 and never had any studs go bad. if you are using more spring than is like 350 @ at seat and 1010 open all bets are off. the intake is the first valve to get in the way of the piston. the piston will drive it up bend it or bust the piston and more. so you mite want to check and see if them holes are dead .on big cams you need to check piston to valve clearances on all holes
i have seen some Aluminum Roller rockers hit large diameter valve springs and do this. SBC with 1.560 springs and full bodie roller rockers seem to hit every time.
he has a big block chevy. the big block springs are 1.480 to 1.550 stock and 1.625 seam to clear all the roller rocker arms i have seen so far:whacked:
ok found out what it was, wont say who, but the rockes where upside down! as for the washer i cant find o well. I got it runing and now have water in the oil didnt have this befor, thinking it is the intake, when i took off the cans to check the studds i found white in oil mostly on the driver side. I have my breathers running right to the headers and was spitting water out of exhaust (black) I know that its running lean, the carb is a 3 stage (good old summit lol)that should be on a tunnel ram, I am running 110 or 114 oct have to play with the carb but its all new to me and dont know what it means to have a 3 stage, this is a holey dom. 1050cfm can i rejet it? It runs good. well around the parking lot lol
I want to thank u all for the info and help, my mechanic had pass away so i have been doing this my self and have learn alot!! I will get it or I will blow it up. PS will be putting a big shot of nos on it just as soon as it will run for a day or 2.
what sealer did you use on the studs you must use some sealer on the stud were they go in the block . less it is a blind deck like dart or world block .i do not know that is a stage 3? do you mean a3 circuit holly. you can jet your holley like any other holley
a big block. ok now suddenly that .665 lift isnt so exciting. Good to hear you found the problem. I am a BBC dumby anyhow. those things are too heavy. :P
not if there all aluminum:3dSMILE:Quote:
Originally Posted by mod67
point taken. I would have to sell the house, wife, and maybe 2 kids to afford one of those in aluminum. IMCA wont let us use any aluminum anyhow. Steel block, and Steel heads.