Interesting stuff...and conflicted...
so, I just need to keep on talking and learning for now.
I agree that Stack Injection looks pretty neat. The Holley Stealth Ram looks pretty good too...but in the end, I don't think as neat as stack.
But, if there are problems with keeping stack in synch (stack in general, as opposed to a specific brand), I don't want to take on any problems.
The pricing listed by HCAR comes close to 10,000. Yikes! For that price, I'll definitely be looking at an LS1 instead.
I think the Holley is close to 3,000. But, I don't see it on any cars. I've been to 4 car shows over the past year with 2000-3000 cars each, and have not seen one. I've been watching in order to talk with someone about it. So, that leaves me curious, if not dubious :whacked: I did see some of teh Imagine stuff at the show, and it looks good. I think about this, I'd probably need to change my cam too.
Uptown83...I can relate to loss of desire when gas mileage is so poor. I have experienced it that bad in teh distant past, when I had a 440 and 486gear in a 32 coupe. My 56 is getting 10, and if I take the blower belt off, it gets up to 14, usually in the 12.5-13.5 range on teh road. I'm hoping to improve that if I put injection on...but wonder if I'll be disappointed.
As I look at some of these costs, teh LS1 sounds better and better. Of course, that would be a pretty major retro fit for me.
Back to my origional question...
I am presuming I do want multipoint system, that does provide O2 sensors, and programmability.
But, does anyone know if there is any difference in performance, fuel efficiency or drivability between the various FI sets?
If not, and it boils down to looks, price and support then I can focus on those topics to find the solution I want to consider. I will say I don't think I want to spend over $4000. Above that, I'll lean toward doing the LS1 conversion.