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Thread: My rebuilt engine didn't last long

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  1. #1
    POWER2BURN is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    My rebuilt engine didn't last long


    The shop I got the 355SB chevy engine from had the engine built buy a pro.

    They set the rockers. buy snugging them all down. Does that sound right to you? then they went threw the order and pre loaded the hydrualic tappets 3/4 turn.

    The fuel pump they still say is fine. puts out 10psi fuel pressure.

    The coke wire for the electric choke is only putting out 1 volt. when it is connected.

    The engine ran bad after breaking in the cam. yes I primed the engine.

    The engine lasted 62km/38.5miles.

    The engine siezed 8km short of makeing it back to the shop I bought the engine from. they were going to take a look at it.

    So, the cam and lifters ae very likely shot, the engine needed new barings, piston rings, honed and the crank at least poslished.

    Plus the choke is set wrong on the carb I got rebuilt.
    had a rebuilt 355SB chevy
    it lasted 42,000km
    Got another rebuilt 355SB
    it lasted 62km.
    I still have not had a powerful engine.

    slowly building a quicker truck

  2. #2
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
    Henry Rifle is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    They set the rockers. buy snugging them all down. Does that sound right to you? then they went threw the order and pre loaded the hydrualic tappets 3/4 turn.
    If they did what you said in that order, it is NOT correct. The proper procedure is to have all the rockers very loose, run through the firing order and snug them up, then preload by 1/4 to 3/4 turn. I can't imagine and engine shop setting the valves that way, however.

    Did you have oil pressure?

    Gone to Texas

  3. #3
    76GMC1500 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Sounds to me like you spun a bearing. Can you even get the motor to turn over with the starter. Engines that seize in the cylinder generally loosen up when they cool down but never run right again. Engines that spin bearings generally lock up even tighter when the engine cools down. I say it was either an oil pressure problem or an inadequate/excessive bearing clearance problem.

  4. #4
    gschuld is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Sorry to hear the bad news. I'm sure the problem could have been from several sources. Regardless, I hope you have better luck with the revised version.

  5. #5
    Ives Bradley's Avatar
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    p2b if u really have 10 psi fuel pressure is there a reg. in line to the carb. Is your choke working at all? Unburnt raw fuel does nasty things to your oil viscosity. Sorry about your deal I have seen these things happen. RDHOTFRD
    Choose your battles well===If it dont go chrome it

  6. #6
    POWER2BURN is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    If they snugged some of the rockers at the top of a lobe. then went threw the order and gave a 3/4 turn. wouldn't that leave the rocker lose? It sounded like lose rockers or tappet problems.

    I had strong oil pressure and the coolent temp was 113-122*F

    the engine would turn over with the starter. only with the spark plugs out. still crankin slow. they did that to check the fuel pressure.

    I need a fuel pressure regulator or a different fuel pump.
    The performance shop says 10psi is fine. the carb could hold up to 19psi. I don't think so. but thats what they say.
    had a rebuilt 355SB chevy
    it lasted 42,000km
    Got another rebuilt 355SB
    it lasted 62km.
    I still have not had a powerful engine.

    slowly building a quicker truck

  7. #7
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
    Henry Rifle is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    If they snugged some of the rockers at the top of a lobe. then went threw the order and gave a 3/4 turn. wouldn't that leave the rocker lose? It sounded like lose rockers or tappet problems.
    As long as they turned the engine over to TDC on each cylinder, took up the slack, then pre-loaded the lifters, it will work. If they did NOT turn the engine over, and just did the pre-load, you would have at least eight rockers out of adjustment.

    The best way is to have them all loose, bring #1 to TDC, set intake and exhaust, then go to #8, #4, etc., through the firing order.

    There is a way to set all the rockers with only one engine rotation. You can set 8 with #1 at TDC and the other 8 with #6 at TDC, but you have to know the proper sequence.

    10 PSIG is too much for the carb. Put in a regulator and start at 6 psig.

    I'm with Denny here. Unless something is being lost in translation, I'm hearing things that a "pro" should not be telling a customer.

    Gone to Texas

  8. #8
    POWER2BURN is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    they took up the slack. then turned the engine and preloaded the lifters.

    If a few lifters were say .3"-.4" from being tight. would that make alot noise and make an engine run ruff. cough and fart around at 3000rpm.
    had a rebuilt 355SB chevy
    it lasted 42,000km
    Got another rebuilt 355SB
    it lasted 62km.
    I still have not had a powerful engine.

    slowly building a quicker truck

  9. #9
    POWER2BURN is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    compcams high energy 260H

    stock valve springs
    795cfm Q-jet something wrong with the choke.
    speedpro -5cc pistons
    the rest reconditioned parts I hope.
    stock HEI with accel supercoil.
    MSD8mm wires.
    12* addvanced
    had a rebuilt 355SB chevy
    it lasted 42,000km
    Got another rebuilt 355SB
    it lasted 62km.
    I still have not had a powerful engine.

    slowly building a quicker truck

  10. #10
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
    Henry Rifle is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    A thought . . . a shop that can't run the valves shouldn't build an engine.

    Gone to Texas

  11. #11
    POWER2BURN is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    The guy that builds the engines kept messing things up. So they fired him. But he built this engine at his house. The last engine I had, this guy also built.
    had a rebuilt 355SB chevy
    it lasted 42,000km
    Got another rebuilt 355SB
    it lasted 62km.
    I still have not had a powerful engine.

    slowly building a quicker truck

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