Last week before I put the E brake cables on my Rambler, the engine ( 196 OHV ) was running great. after me and My dad went out to test the car after the cables were put in, the engine wasn't firing on 1 cylinder, we figured the brakes being done was enough for the day so we picked up, I'm going back to working on the car on monday.. I'm thinking it's just a spark plug, I replaced them b4 but, I used Champions in the factory heat range.. originals were cold fouled. when I had checked the vac b4, it held 16 HG steady warmed up, had a tiny pop when cold so it does have a slight valve issue when it's cold.. when it starts now, it fires right up, but you have to rev it up slow in park once or twice, otherwise it will die when you try to move it, it did not do that b4.. I have the choke adjusted open all the time. any ideas?