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Thread: Msd Help!

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  1. #1
    valvebounce is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Christchurch, New Zealand

    Msd Help!


    I'm asking here for a friend of mine.
    Here's the story, He wasn't happy with the way his Aussie (GM) Holden 308 ran. Someone suggested that he try an MSD ignition on it. It already had a pertronix kit in it. He bit the bullet, and bought an MSD 6A over the internet direct from MSD. This saved a fair bit of coin, (over buying one from a speed shop locally) but they stung him US$50 for postage. Fitted it all up, and ran like a dream. He said that it was easier to start, ran sweeter, and seemed to go harder. Then after about 3-4 weeks it just stopped dead. Tried all the tests, and nothing. It wouldn't go. Refitted the Pertronix, and it ran again. So it was definately the box that was faulty. He tried emailing MSD, and got no response. Their policy regarding returns from outside the US is that the warrant claimant must pay freight both ways. That would run into like US$100! Thats damn near what it cost him in the 1st place. (Remember that I'm in New Zealand, and our dollar only buys about 75 cents of your money)
    Anyway, he found a guy locally to take a look at it for him. The guy found what the problem was. There is a transistor and a row of resistors that are cooked. The transistor has a number on it, so that wont be hard to source. But the row of resistors are blackened, and it's impossible to tell what impedance they are. (were)
    He's on a modest income with a young family, so really needs to fix it on the cheap. He tried emailing MSD again, again with no reply.
    So my question is, does anyone have an MSD 6A that they can open up for me and read off the colours on the row of about 4 or 5 resistors between the two transistors at the end of the board where the wires enter the box?
    It's a bit of an ask, I know. But I really want to help my buddy out.
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  2. #2
    BigTruckDriver is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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  3. #3
    valvebounce is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Nov 2006
    Christchurch, New Zealand

    BIG thanks to DennyW! He sent me a PM with a link to full schematics for the 6A. Thanks mate!
    some is good,
    more is better
    too much is JUST ENOUGH!

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