If I remember the is VATS (vehicle anti-theft system) or something like that. The key cylinder in the column had two wires that go to the VATS module and check the resistance from the pill in the key and if the value is correct the module sends a signal ( I think that it is a 50 hertz signal ) to PCM allowing the car to start. The module should have been located under the dash somewhere. I didn't have one with my harness so I went and got the keys, key cylinder, and module from a salvaged car at the local yard. That way everything was from the same car. I'm trying to remember the best I can but it's been about ten years ago when I built the S-10. I haven't located that number yet, still looking. I'm sure you can get running, just take your time and study the wiring diagrams. After you start looking at them you'll see there really isn't all that many things that have to be connected to get it to run.