Originally posted by Streets
I iz roight 'ere Dave... Want me ta bring a stick fer ya so's ya don 'ave ta 'ave duh extree weight in duh car when ya come ta visit?? 'ow 'bout a Hickr'y stick?? Mebbe ya kin come up 'n help me wif duh pail wirin'? :LOL:
Git off 390 at 63 and "Come on down"...:p
I think you have senility or grammar problems streets. Seriously though, i think my 3200 lb car can handle 10 more pounds. As for the weight of towing your pail after you slam it into a tree/truck/Me! i dont know. it might just barely struggle and have to shift at 3500Rs instead of 3000.:LOL: It'll be a while before im out of cutlasses, and itll be even longer before im out of oldsmobiles. With any luck, they'll outlive me :P