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Thread: 4.3 v-6 buildup

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  1. #25
    Two8tyThree's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1gary View Post
    BTW-I am having a hard time accepting the fact of a blown 4.3 putting out 500hp without it being very,very,close to not being street able.That is just a little short of 2hp per c.i.and on stock heads???.
    Well believe it or not it is absolutely true. Canadians are like Aussies, they don't care what people tell them they can't do they just do it.

    You don't need all the racing crap to build a decent 4.3L on the street. The problem is people seem to think that they have to have small block power to be credible. This is a load of bunk, just build them for the street and drive them, there is nothing wrong with a 200HP V6 of any brand. There are a lot of 4.3L v6's on the street in all types of street rods that people think are small blocks. I have seen a lot of them at different shows. They are finally becoming common place. I don't know what the problem is with 4.3 nay sayers their just a version of the small block.

    Look I don't care about Roddin' politics. I just want to build rods and customs with what ever I feel I want and have to use. Isn't that how it all started, use what ever you have at hand and for the budget you have?
    Last edited by Two8tyThree; 04-29-2011 at 12:09 PM.
    The road is long with many a winding turn.

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