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04-07-2011 02:02 PM #1
Ring gear will not go on flywheel!!!
I bought the correct replacement ring gear for my flywheel and I cannot get it to go on. Its so damn close, but no cigar. To my wife's dismay, I put the flywheel in the freezer over night and cooked the ring gear to 450 degress...no success. Is there a trick to this? I do have access to press, but am afraid to ruin something. Help!!!
04-07-2011 02:22 PM #2
We always set the ring gear on the flywheel,then use oxy/acet. torch and heated the ring gear cheery red in four equal spaces on the ring gear,then use a ballbeen and tap the ring gear on. Usually worked quite easily and when it cooled down the ring gear was locked unto the flywhhel.
04-07-2011 03:00 PM #3
All I have is a map gas torch...I dont think Im gettin it hot enough...no where near cherry red. Ill have to get a buddy with a real torch.
04-07-2011 03:14 PM #4
We replaced a lot of them at the marinas where I worked. used the torches as HWORRELL says. Go all around the perimeter and keep heating it until you can tap it down into place. Mapp gas probably isn't hot enough.
04-07-2011 03:23 PM #5
Im just a shade tree mechanic, trying to work with what I got...
Thx for the quick feedback guys!
04-10-2011 08:40 AM #6
Had some trouble finding a buddy with a rosebud torch on the wknd, so I gave it one more try this morning in the oven. This time I put the ring gear on the floor of the oven, instead of the rack and let it bake for about 35-40 minutes at 450. It slid right on!Just figured Id post an update, thanks again guys.
04-10-2011 08:47 AM #7
400 degrees seems to be the magic number for just about anything that nees an interferance fit----ring gears, sleeves , bearing races in alum housings, etc
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