Well I guess I am talking to myself because hot rods are by nature performance machines, usually without regard for mpg. Anyway TechInspector1/Richard suggested a short duration cam and I guess I "ticked" him off discussing Rhoads lifters. Anyway, I have continued to study the situation as the time approaches to purchase a crate engine this Summer. Here is a comparison of some similar cams mainly so Tech1 knows I am still thinking.

Cam Adv Dur. I/E 0.050 Dur. I/E Valve Lift I/E LCL I/E

Elgin 5911, recommended by TechInspector1
260/270 184/194 0.368/0.398 104/104

GM-Crane Part No. 12353914, Lo Speed, Hi Torque
180/194 0.378/0.401

Mellling 22108 (Probable Choice) *****
260/270 184/194 0.368/0.398 104/104

Holley Truck Avenger, Lunati 90350LUN
253/265 204/216 0.427/0.454 107/112?

Corvette 327 300 HP
195/202 0.390/0.410

Melling MTC-1 ( the same as Edelbrock Performer Plus)
278/288 204/214 0.420/0.443 107/117

CompCams XE250
250/260 206/212 0.432/0.444 106/110

It is clear that small changes in the cam can make large differences in performance and mpg. The claim of the Elgin 5911 is an increase of 3-5 mpg. In addition, it is my understanding that if I purchase a crate engine fom Automotive Maufacturers in Charlotte I must use a Melling cam and the 22108 appears to be identical to the Elgin 5911 and maybe that is the way to get 20 mpg with a SBC 350 and still have fast 0-60 mph acceleration, by sacrificing higher mph needed for short 1/4 mile times. As TechInspector1 says, for light-to-light acceleration one needs high torque and maybe the Melling 22108 is the way to get BOTH
traffic light performance and highway mileage. Anyway, if I think I need more torque I can add 1.6 ratio rockers later without changing the cam! Sorry about another long post, but as the price of gas goes up this topic may become more relevant!

Best Wishes,
Don Shillady
Retired Scientist/teen rodder