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Thread: INTAKE ideas

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  1. #1
    gherkin350's Avatar
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    INTAKE ideas


    Hey guys, I am looking at this manifold adapter (attached pic) and am wondering if you have any suggestions. My prefernce for this type of of thing is to let me have "the look" whilst waitng for something more substantial to show up. I think the dual 97's on my SBC will really fit the bill for a while at least. Seams to be the cheapest way out as well. As for the 97's vs 94's debate. I don't want to start that here I will just go with what shows up at at the next swap meet. (fairly likely 94's)
    "Those who know not and know not that they know not; are fools, AVOID THEM. Those who know not and know that they know not, are intelligent, EDUCATE THEM".

  2. #2
    Rrumbler is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I don't know just how much you'll have to pay for that adapter, but I wouldn't think that a tri pot for a small block is really all that scarce, and not too expensive, either. Maybe they are over there, though.

  3. #3
    gherkin350's Avatar
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    Three deuces manifold for me in AUS is a fair few dollars. I would be looking at US 209dollars plus freight possibly another US40 and then I need to source 3x97 carbs. In the US they seem to be going for at least US100 each plus freight. Adds up to a fair bit of Moula... I can get get hold of this little adapter for US60 dollars and stick a couple of 94's on it which I can get over here for about AUS30 dollars. (of course when you can find em).

    "Those who know not and know not that they know not; are fools, AVOID THEM. Those who know not and know that they know not, are intelligent, EDUCATE THEM".

  4. #4
    Justin94117's Avatar
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    I can't read the mfg in the pic, but be warry of the Vintage Speed (Charlie Price) pieces. My brother, friends and I all had problems of some kind with our parts from there. On my brothers 327 he's got 2x94's and it runs like a raped ape when ya get on it. Love the look and there great for regular street driving.
    Justin RFFR
    Isaiah 40:31

  5. #5
    gherkin350's Avatar
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 1930 Ford, SBC, Roadster

    Justin, who else do you know makes those little manifolds? I am fairly sure the picture is actually a Northwest speed product.

    "Those who know not and know not that they know not; are fools, AVOID THEM. Those who know not and know that they know not, are intelligent, EDUCATE THEM".

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