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Thread: need help Please!!!

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  1. #1
    tach is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    need help Please!!!


    hello all this my first post. I have a s-10 with a 305. I am having problems with the timing or something. I bought another s-10 that had this motor in it. The motor ran fine while it was in the other truck. I just recently took the motor out and put it into another s-10 with a turbo 350 tranny. The other truck had the stock 5 speed. Here is my problem, when I shift the truck into gear it dies. I have to set the idle high for the motor not to die when it goes into gear. I checked the timing for the first time and it seems to be way off! The timing tab is in the 1:30 position and I have talked with a few people and they say that it needs to be around 12:00. Btw, this is a 84 small block pass side dip stick. I set the timing around 12:00 and the idle seems good. I don't have a tach so I am guessing rpm's (700'ish) I checked the vaccum running from the intake to the tranny and it is good. This is not a lock up turbo 350. I can get the truck to shift into gear if I give it a little gas and then be on my way. It seems to get better the longer I drive it. I went out and punched it to the floor to check timing and there is no ping!! I need some help because my knowlege is at it's peak. I really don't want to take it to a shop so they can charge me out the butt.

  2. #2
    chevy 37's Avatar
    chevy 37 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Need more info. When you say you put in into gear and it dies are you saying it does this when you take off from ist gear, or does it happen when your moving and shift gears?
    Keep smiling, it only hurts when you think it does!

  3. #3
    cbreezer is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Sounds like the choke has gotten out of adjustment.Also I would adjust the timing until I hear just a little pinging on full acceleration.Good luck!

  4. #4
    tach is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    When I start the truck, and put it into any gear it dies. The carb is a manual choke and is not hooked up. The truck idles fine in park or neutral but, when the tranny goes into gear it dies.

  5. #5
    dr_bowtie's Avatar
    dr_bowtie is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    if you fire it up cold it will do that...check for a vacuum leak....cheack the color of all spark plugs....and set the timing... do what has been posted if you do not have access to a timing light...advance the timing till it pings under WOT then back it off a little.....sometimes if the Idle air/fuel ratio isn't set right this same problem will occur...what carb do you have?...

  6. #6
    tach is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I have a edelbrock performer 750cfm (manual choke). I let the motor warm up and still no luck. When you say check for a vaccum leak, where are you referring to check? (around the intake)?? I did mess with the air/fuel ratio while the motor was in the other truck, when it was in the other truck it was hooked to a 5 speed. Would this make a difference in auto?? How about having a stall converter and I have a stock motor would that make a difference. thanks for the reply's keep em coming

  7. #7
    ReddDawg's Avatar
    ReddDawg is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Is the vacuum advance hooked up?

    Does it slowly die (struggles to run) or is it a pretty quick thing?

    Do you have a vacuum guage?

    That is a lot of carb for that motor - but that is not the problem... but has the carb been tuned for the motor?

    Was the other truck in driving condition? I.E. are you sure it was not dying if the clutch was fully disengaged at idle?

    Are you sure the distributor was set at TDC?

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