Hybrid View
03-02-2005 08:25 AM #1
flames out the carb and other problems
So I just got spark to my 327 after swapping it in my K20. It now turns over and will run for a few seconds but will stall after a few seconds and shoot either a cloud of smoke out of the carb or a spray of fire then stall. Is this just cause its getting to much gas or does this have to do with the timing? I havnt had a chance to play with it to much, the oil sensor tube broke off into the block and I lost all my oil on the shop floor. Any suggestions on the oil sensor tube that dont include pulling the motor??
03-02-2005 09:04 AM #2
03-02-2005 09:06 AM #3
I do believe its the oil pressure sending unit but it is on top of the block on the driver side, back by the distributer just about under neath the distributer.
03-02-2005 10:42 AM #4
I picked up a drill-out "power extracter kit by craftsman. Should work rite?
03-02-2005 10:46 AM #5
You can find a suitable size brass threaded plug at your local parts store to put in there temporarily,,,or just replace the sender unit altogether,,,,,,Souns like your firing order and timing is all messed up,,,maybee you have some bad plug leads as well,,just check it over again,,,take your time,,take the cap and rotor off, and check to carbon marks,,"Tracking" on the inside of the cap,,you are definately getting spark while the intake valves are open on at least one cylinder.
Best solution is to borrow a whole cap and leads from another Known good running chev V8 and swap them out with yours,,,and re-time the car.Last edited by Thunderbucket; 03-02-2005 at 08:04 PM.
"I don't know everything and i like it that way"
03-02-2005 04:38 PM #6
The pipe is actually broke off in the block and there is no way to cap it really with out extracting the pipe that is broke off in the block. Could the timing problem also be caused by not putting the distributer in on the rite TDC ? I didnt check last night when I put it in I was more worried about making sure I could get spark.
03-02-2005 06:10 PM #7
hey ny it is really easy to get the dis. off time when u install it. like they are telling u , pull the dis . remove the pipe and then have someone help u set the dis. and time it. i know its a bear, but it dont always click the first time for any one.Choose your battles well===If it dont go chrome it
03-02-2005 07:54 PM #8
Alrite, thanks guys, ill mess with it tomorrow if I get a chance and get back at yea with my new questions
04-26-2005 04:57 PM #9
had the same thing happen on a brand new motor I just built.Had the firing order messed up and OH what a lovely light show it gave on start up.Check those wires again.LOL man did it make me freak out....
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