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Thread: I am stumped??

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  1. #1
    s10streeter's Avatar
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    Question I am stumped??


    I bought a new timing light today. First time I have ever used one. The instructions are simple enough so, I hooked it up and started the engine. First check of the mark showed ATDC way above the tabs, so I advanced it a little, rechecked 2 degrees ATDC. If I'm not mistaken, should'nt the initial advance for SBC be somewhere between 10-12 BTDC??? I cant get there. The vacuum advance unit is against the intake runner and only showing about 3 degrees BTDC?? This is with the vacuum disconnected and plugged of course, but something is not right here. WTF?? I'm stumped!!! I knew this thing wasnt running right, getting too hot at times thats why I bought the timing light, and it was WAY off. HELP!!!!

  2. #2
    s10streeter's Avatar
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    Could the balencer or tabs be off somehow?? Bought it the way it sits so I didnt put it together just wondering. Somewone had mentioned the dist. may be a "tooth" off?? What does that mean?

  3. #3
    s10streeter's Avatar
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    I'll try that but I dont know what to look for after moving the wires? Are you saying it could\can correct the problem??

  4. #4
    s10streeter's Avatar
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    Ok Denny, lets see if I'm with you here. I must keep it simple for there are no master mechanics around. As the wires are arranged on the cap right now counter clockwise would be 1,8,4,3,6,5,7 and 2. Now, If I am understanding you, I need to take the #1 and move it back to the #8 and #8 to #4 and so on until all have been relocated? Then back up the dist. some and try it?

  5. #5
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Originally posted by s10streeter
    Ok Denny, lets see if I'm with you here. I must keep it simple for there are no master mechanics around. As the wires are arranged on the cap right now counter clockwise would be 1,8,4,3,6,5,7 and 2. Now, If I am understanding you, I need to take the #1 and move it back to the #8 and #8 to #4 and so on until all have been relocated? Then back up the dist. some and try it?

    thats what he is saying s10streeter, denny had to leave for a few min. so if its ok ill be denny untill he comes back.
    check my home page out!!!

  6. #6
    C9x's Avatar
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    Did you buy a dial-back timing light?

    Perhaps a Penske from Sears?

    And does your car run an MSD ignition amplifier?
    (Other brand amplifiers may be the same.)

    I bought a dial-back light and found the timing showed way off compared to the non dial-back Penske light I'd been using.

    I took the light back, but since then I've found some of the dial-back lights when used with an amplified ignition setup will show off time.

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    And I forgot to say, that other guys report the dial-backs they're using work fine with amplifier boxes.

    Don't know what brands they are though.

  8. #8
    s10streeter's Avatar
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    This is a stock GM Hei coil in cap setup. Denny, are we going clockwise or counter clockwise with the relocation? I dont have access to the dist. right now but looking at it, the vac. canister is on the left.

  9. #9
    s10streeter's Avatar
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    Thanks for everyones help. C9x I think I answered your question. Thanks for the info LT1.

    Woops! The light is a standard inductive pickup with no advance dial.

  10. #10
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Originally posted by s10streeter
    Thanks for everyones help. C9x I think I answered your question. Thanks for the info LT1.

    Woops! The light is a standard inductive pickup with no advance dial.
    no problem
    check my home page out!!!

  11. #11
    s10streeter's Avatar
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    Originally posted by s10streeter
    Ok Denny, lets see if I'm with you here. I must keep it simple for there are no master mechanics around. As the wires are arranged on the cap right now counter clockwise would be 1,8,4,3,6,5,7 and 2. Now, If I am understanding you, I need to take the #1 and move it back to the #8 and #8 to #4 and so on until all have been relocated? Then back up the dist. some and try it?

    I think I'm wrong here. Should'nt the direction for 1,8,4,3,6,5,7 and 2 be clockwise? Counter would be 2,7,5,6,3,4,8 and 1?

    So, I should move the wires clockwise, right?

  12. #12
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Originally posted by DennyW
    Yes clockwise. The one on the left should be yours. The one on the right is where you want to move the wires.

    put the # 1 wire where the # 8 is now and then go 18436572 cw.
    Last edited by lt1s10; 07-08-2005 at 07:47 PM.
    check my home page out!!!

  13. #13
    s10streeter's Avatar
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    Wow! That is the perfect way to present that for me. You guys are awesome help. Maybe this will help the previous issue I was posting about loss of power at high rpm? You guys might remember, you have all replied to that post as well. Still working to correct that problem. Havent done a accel. test on fuel pressure yet(been to rainy and wet) hopefully will get all of this done tommorrow. Thanks alot!!!

  14. #14
    s10streeter's Avatar
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    The first attempt to relocate the wires didnt work as the engine would not run at any dist. position, just cracked and backfired. So, I reversed the application and backed the wires up one space counterclockwise from the position they were in originaly and got the engine running, although kind of rough, it was running. I can now get the initial timing (vacuum disconnected and plugged) to about 10deg. BTDC before it starts to stall. Also it doesnt want to take the vacuum advance, caused a stall, rough, choppy idle.

    I had once adjusted valve lash, do I need to set those again now that the timing is close? It acts like a miss but checked all the wires and they seem fine. It seems to rev. without any problems, dont hear any detonation, smooths out above 1200rpm.

    I thought maybe the vacuum canister was adjustable but it is a stock unit.

    Havent driven yet. Still not real sure about the success of the adjustment .

  15. #15
    s10streeter's Avatar
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    I am experincing detonation now at mild acceleration on the road test. I tryed it with the full time vacuum and the ported side, both gave detonation. This is with the initial set at 8deg. BTDC. IF I retard anymore than that, it stalls out when drive engaged. I dont understand why the vacuum caused a reduced idle and stalled at times when connecting it? I will put the wires back in their orginal spots and start over because the running condition has been worse since moving them. Try something else? Would anyone recommend repositioning the dist.? Which direction, to the right or to the left?

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