Engine stalling after freeway
Hey everyone, love this site, has been the source of some great info in learning to repair all the problems i have run into with my beast over the years......but this is my first post so pls bear with me...
I have a 1967 Mustang Couple, with a standard 289 Windsor, 2 barrell carby, everything pretty standard, usually drives pretty good, but the prob lies after driving on a freeway, when i have to slow back to the lower speeds, unless i pull the choke out when i come to the lights or have to really slow down, the engine will just stall and die, will restart right away but will need a fair bit of choke to keep it going
I dont think its anything major, but my mechanical abilities are based on learning how to fix each new problem arises, so if anyone can give me some idea's on if the carby needs cleaning or retuning etc etc, would be much appreciated!....
Thanks guys...