I,m having a few problems with a big block chevy. right now i cant get to run. i will be checking for tdc and #1 later today when the sun comes up. but this is my problem fouling spark plugs terrible response ect. heres what i got goin 454 .30 over 10.5 to1 a healthy rv cam edelbrock performer 750 holley vacuum sec. hei dist w/msd6a , and pete jackson gear drive lunati roller rockers and head work all new manley valves stock intake 2.10 exuast
Pulled my timing chain cover off and my timing marks on the sprockets line up. I have not jumped time.
When I pulled the oil pan off to change the front and rear oil seal gaskets it smelled like gas. The oil was thin too. What did I do ? How do I fix it ?:confused: :confused: :confused:
my rat quit on me a few weeks ago could'nt get it to start after checking the timing numerous times it turnded out to be bad dist.