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Thread: Setting distributor.

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  1. #1
    toolow 69C10 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Question Setting distributor.


    How do you install an distributor for intial starting ? I set the timing mark to zero on the compression stroke. Next I mark the number 1 position on the distributor cap and body. Next I drop the distributor in. Where should the rotor point ? Should it be pointing to Number 1 cylinder ?
    Any help would be appreciated. Old lady is at work so I'm heading to the garage.

  2. #2
    inlineidiot is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    ..Yeah right... .....Nice try Charlie...... ......you better get youself a repair manual and open it to page .."1"..(one)...
    Last edited by inlineidiot; 02-07-2004 at 06:02 AM.
    The cylinders have to be inline.!!!

  3. #3
    toolow 69C10 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    By the way the distributor is an HEI. and the engine newly rebuilt.

  4. #4
    TyphoonZR's Avatar
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    Yes, the rotor should point to the number one lead, then advance it by about a 1/4 of an inch counter clockwise.
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  5. #5
    dominick21m's Avatar
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    might help to know your semptoms the ditributor may not be the prob..btw check in the forum several post one just 2 days ago about setting time...thanx dom

  6. #6
    toolow 69C10 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Oil primed and oil pressure reads alright. Have been cranking on it all day. It spits and sputters but never starts. Have pulled the distributor out and retimed it. If I turn the distributor back I get a loud backfire so I assume I'm getting fire. Working the throttle I can see gas going in. The distributor is a HEI that I hooked up to iginition hot so I could have 12 volts. I had this engine running before. The last thing I did was change the water pump but I don't see how this would affect anything.

  7. #7
    toolow 69C10 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I bought a used block and had it cleaned , checked and cam bearings installed. Nothing was done to the crank or pistons except for new rings and bearings. I replaced the timing chain , oil pump, intake, carbureator , fuel pump, water pump, distributor, plug wires and plugs. I also replaced the cam with a Lunati, I got old heads that were ported and polished and added new valves and roller rockers. I ran headers back to a new exhaust and installed a new radiator and electric fan. It ran before why not now ?

  8. #8
    TyphoonZR's Avatar
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    Are you sure you set the rockers correctly? Are the wires in proper firing order? 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2? Looking at the top of the distributor, reconcile the order clockwise. Try advancing the timing by turning distributor another 1/4-1/2 inch counter clockwise.
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  9. #9
    toolow 69C10 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Pretty sure I'm on number 1 compression stroke. ( stuck a piece of tissue in number 1 plug hole and cranked over engine until it blew out.) Are all number one positions in the same spot on a distributor cap ? Do you think the carb could cause this ? Its an Edelbrock 750 with a mechanical choke. I've just installed guages so I could have a tach and vacuum guage to tune it with.

    Please give me list of thigs to try tommorrow.

  10. #10
    TyphoonZR's Avatar
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    Originally posted by toolow 69C10
    Are all number one positions in the same spot on a distributor cap ?
    Wait a minute. NO. The number one wire can be placed anywhere you want to place it. What determines where you need to install the wire on the cap is directly related or where the rotor is pointing when the #1 piston is at tdc on compression stroke.

    So, with the air blowing out of the #1 spark plug hole, and the mark on the balancer poiniting at the zero mark on the timing mark on the timng chain cover, you take note of where the rotor is pointing and you have to have the distributor cap off for this, then place the cap on and place the number one wire to the spot that the rotor was pointing, then advance it 1/4-1/2 inch ccounter clockwise.

    If you do not like to where the rotor is pointing, you need to remove the distributor and stick a long screw driver into the distributor hole and turn the oil pump drive shaft to such a position where you are happy. For instance, the vacuum advance pod may interfere with the fire wall, the intake, or a bracket. Likewise, the plug wires are usually cut at a length where the number one wire needs to be aiming towards the front left hand headlight. So, with the #1 piston at TDC, I would try and have the rotor pointing in that direction.
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  11. #11
    TyphoonZR's Avatar
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    yeah, like Streets said, and you do have a blue cap, yes?
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  12. #12
    toolow 69C10 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thats the way I set it. It does seem like when I turn it back counter clockwise it rumbles more like it wants to start. I can only turn it back about an inch before the coil on the cap hits the firewall. I can remedy this like you said by moving the oil pump shaft and reinstalling the distributor. I'm going to try again tommorrow to get this going. If I hook a timing light up while I crank it over will I get a reading so I know where the timing is at ?

  13. #13
    TyphoonZR's Avatar
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    Originally posted by toolow 69C10
    It does seem like when I turn it back counter clockwise it rumbles more like it wants to start. I can only turn it back about an inch before the coil on the cap hits the firewall. I can remedy this ............
    No no no, wait.!! Just move the number one wire over one post on the distributor in the counterclockwise rotation, and all the others accordingly.

    By doing this you will have advanced your timing some 45 degrees which will be about 25 too much so then you will be able to rotate the distributor clockwise 25 degrees which will be perfect.
    Objects in my rear view mirror are a good thing unless,.... they have red and blue lights flashing.

  14. #14
    viking's Avatar
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    Objects in the mirror are losing

  15. #15
    toolow 69C10 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thanks I'll do that even though I'm getting really good at pulling it out. I have attached a picture of this distributor for your viewing pleasure.

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