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Thread: Pics from the Mid-America NSRA

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  1. #1
    Dan J's Avatar
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    Pics from the Mid-America NSRA


    I just posted a few pictures from the Mid-America NSRA in my gallery. Here's a cool looking flame job.

    Dan J

  2. #2
    awsum34's Avatar
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    Dan. Thanks for posting some pictures, Hope you didn't get to wet Saturday.

  3. #3
    Dan J's Avatar
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    I think EVERYBODY got wet on Saturday. I ran into Dave Brisco Saturday morning, and he was watching the sky for rain drops then. I don't know where ole Dave got off to Saturday afternoon, but if he was cruizin in his roadster, he probably got wetter than most!

    Sorry I didn't get to run into you over the weekend. There were some good looking rods attending... it's just too bad that the weather ruined Saturday afternoon and evening. Maybe I'll see you at one of the other events this summer.

    Dan J

  4. #4
    awsum34's Avatar
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    Dave finally met up with me Sunday morning. (After last weekend see if i will ever listen to a weather man again). All i can say about Dave, true rodders drive with no tops).
    I wanted to try and meet everybody this weekend. but the rain made it hard.. Like you said maybe we can meet at another show.

  5. #5
    dangeroustoy's Avatar
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    I had a very interesting weekend... After talking for a while with Dan J a friend and I entered our Roadsters in the "Streets of Rods"... It was already drizzling by that time which was about noon... At about 3 p.m. a big dark cloud was comming and it looked as if we were in for a good shower so we decided to head for some shelter... The Roadster section of the "Streets of Rods" cleared out pretty quick!!!

    Saturday was a let down with the weather and all and we all thought that Sunday was going to be THE day... Unfortunately it was cold and rainy for the entire time that I was there... We decided to start back home... It was definately an interesting drive home as I drove under black clouds and grey skies... I never got wet the entire trip, but it was a little chilly!!!

    It was good to get the chance to meet both Dan and Rick during the weekend, even though Dan pulled a fast one on me!!! I owe you one!!!

    I am already ready for next year...

    Dave Brisco

  6. #6
    Dan J's Avatar
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    I want everybody to know that Dave is a very “good natured” individual. I know this because I got to play a little trick on him in Springfield. Since he and I had never met face to face, I knew that he wouldn’t know me from any other stranger…

    I knew what Dave’s car looked like, and as soon as I spotted it, I started “checking it out real good”. After circling someone’s car for 5 or 10 minutes, the proud owner HAS to come out and tell you about his pride and joy.

    As soon as I confirmed that I had the “owner”, I told Dave what a nice coupe he had and then engaged him a little further. And of course you know from reading one of the other current threads on this forum… I had to ask him if it was “Real” or one of those “KIT” cars!!!

    Well, Dave has a fair complexion and I want to tell you that I was looking closely for that rosy red color to rise up in his cheeks and face… but WHAT a gentleman he was! He politely started to educate me on things when I cracked and finally introduced myself.

    Anyway, it was good to add a little “excitement” to your weekend.

    Dan J

  7. #7
    dangeroustoy's Avatar
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    Dan got me good... I should have known especially since he followed my previous post just like it was a script... The funny thing is that one of my buddies was parked right beside me in his 33 Roadster and he had just got the business from a lady who wanted to know if his car was steel...

    BTW - Nice Pics Dan,...

    Dave Brisco

  8. #8
    Bib_Overalls's Avatar
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    I drove my John Deere Blitz Black 32 Ford Roadster "Hot Stuff" up from Jonesboro on Thursday. Started raining shortly after I got back from the Grizzly Tools open house. Fortunately, the motel owner took pity on me and I was able to park under the awning in front of the office. On Sunday it started raining as the awards ceremony finished up. I got out fast and I was under the awning at the motel in about ten minutes. Drove home Monday morning. Roads were clear and dry and I made good time. Look for me in Tunica next month.
    An Old California Rodder
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  9. #9
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    Hey! Who gave that guy the rights to use my face for his flame job...........

  10. #10
    pro70z28's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Troglodyte
    Hey! Who gave that guy the rights to use my face for his flame job...........
    Eoooooooow..... Troglodyte... You might want to consider cuttin' back on the tabasco sauce !!!!!!
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