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Thread: May 3rd In McPherson

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    colorado815's Avatar
    colorado815 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Car Year, Make, Model: 64 Chevy Impala

    Cool May 3rd In McPherson


    Turned out great today inspite of the weather the past few days. Jay Leno sponsors a couple of scholarships every year. And this school does BA, a 4 year program where at the end you have the knowledge to open your own shop, or work for anyone you want.

    Event times: 8am-4pm
    Location: McPherson College, 1600 E. Euclid St., McPherson, KS 67460
    (Just off Kansas Ave., West of the Overpass!)
    Join us the first Saturday in May for the 9th annual McPherson College
    Car Show, coordinated and hosted by the C.A.R.S. Club (College
    Automotive Restoration Students). Located in the middle of the College
    Campus, this show provides a perfect, scenic area to enjoy a beautiful

    We will fill the show field of all makes/models and will be judging 8
    classes, based on AACA requirements, as well as a "hot rod" class!
    Other displays will be present this year, such as tractors and
    motorcycles, to give more of an insight to the history of the
    automobile! There will be activities, raffles, good people, good food,
    and a whole lot of fun!

    Be sure to take a tour through our restoration facility-McPherson
    College is the only accredited automotive restoration program and we
    have 5 different restoration majors! Be prepared for a great
    experience, and enough fun to keep you coming back year after year!

    Attached Images
    Down The Two Lane Blacktop.

    Old Skool Is Kool....

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