GoodGuys KC
Since Dave brought it up. Who's going to GG in Kansas City? Maybe we could find some place to meet.
If anybody needs help getting to GG of finding the host hotel, or just a good place to eat post it here.
I live 8 miles from the speedway and 1/2 mile from the host hotel. So if you have any question i'll try my best to anwser them.
I'll know more as it gets closer... Seems like that show is always in September... Do you know what weekend the show is going to be on this year?...
Dave Brisco
jack stack bbq the best food in town .
Dave, GG is Sept 24th 25th and 26th
Jack Stack BBQ is about 1 1/2 miles north on the same street as the host hotel. Right across the street from the hotel there's KC Master Piece BBQ and Dick Clark's American Bandstand Resturant
Thanks Rick...
I just added those days to my calendar... Who knows maybe I can make it this year...
Dave Brisco
I am hoping to go , even though my 37 wont be ready, i am going to go to Old Marris show ( just west outside KS.City, KS) as i didnt make it last year as my painters helper got married that day . plus good guys was on the same date as old marris and caused quite a stink. i think Old marris is a week or 2 before good guys this year.
I will have too look up the dates for sure.
Ol Marais is the weekend before Good-Guys. Sept 18th and 19th. I've been going to Ol Marais for the last 10 years. I didn't go to GG last year because it was the same weekend. And i'll be going again this year
anybody else going to GG in KC on Sept 24th-26th? or Ol Marais sept 18th 19th?
As of Now...
I am planning on going...
Didn't make it last year, no firm plans for this year yet. Sure am going to try to make it.
anybody need any info. on where the hotels are or any place to eat. i can tell you where just about everything is at.
Pear Tree Hotel about a block away from the host hotel is around $60 a nite. you have apple bee's, dick clark american band stand, kc master peice BBQ, all in walking distance.
about 1/2 mile from host hotel you have Jack stack BBQ, Hooters, red lobster, denny's,Macooni grill,
1/2 the other way you have, wal mart, advace auto part store ( just you case you need anything)
steak and shake, and a steak place but can't remember the name right off.
also if you planning on coming to GG might want to check this road contruction site out.
Roll Call Time....
Only a few more days left!!! I am really looking forward to making this event!!!
Who is going for sure...
Sounds like... Awsum34, Kennyd and me...
What about Dave S. and Spray you guys going to make it out...
Dave Brisco
I,ll be there for sure, Thrusday thru sunday, Registration is behind the grand stand.
I,ll be driving a bright red 35 chevy 2dr sedan (chopped) there's a picture of it in my album.
Just to let you guys know 435 interstate just west of the host hotel, there,s road work there (both side) for about a mile. single lane. traffic gets backed up. there only working on it at night and weekends.
there's more work on 435 close to the speedway. but they still have 2 lanes open.
what hotel is everybody staying at?
holiday inn , at 87 st street
Hope you guys have a great time! Who's bringing the libation station? Take some pictures for us