I don't think I have posted anything like this yet but anyways.... Does anyone know where I can find a list of any shows or anything that goes on in NC here? The only thing I know of is on September 19th there is a show at Lowes Motorspeedway and every Wednesday off of 74 or Independence at Cici's Pizza there is a meet there where some people bring their hot rods, muscle cars, street rods, what ever they have and just park around and have drawings for things and music going on etc.
If anyone has or know's of any information then please let me know.

There is also Liquid Steel going on in Concord and I am not sure if it's just choppers and Harleys that are there or what but I think I heard there are going to be some cars hot rods, and bands and all so that might be sweet.

Thanks in advance for any info given.