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Thread: Flat Head???

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  1. #1
    WoodyWood's Avatar
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    Flat Head???


    yea I have a 1953 241 Hemi. Everytime I look for parts on this motor a lot of people ask if its a flat head.... I dunno is this Hemi considered a flat head??? If so its news to me..... but I learn something new every day.
    Freedom isnt Free

  2. #2
    Mike P's Avatar
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    ".......Woody, no your hemi is not a flathead...the next time you go for parts, choose a counterman with gray hair........"

    Good advice Tech, you might also add that the part store will also need to have parts BOOKS and someone who knows how to read them 'cause the parts aint going to show up on the stinking computer.

    Woody If you haven't already found out finding sources for parts and info on the non-Chrysler (Dodge/Desoto) Hemi's is a little difficult. Another good source is www.hotheads.com

    Save the money on ordering the PAW Early Hemi catalog, as it just lists parts for the 354/392 (and a handfull of 331) Chrysler parts.

  3. #3
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    This must be another variation on that old deal where any car with a "square" looking body is a Model A according to the uninformed. "Hey dude, if I've never heard of that engine it must be one of them flathead things man! They're really kewl. I wanna build me one o' them ol' skool rat rod things too."

    Yet another example of what happens when you don't think accurate use of terminology is important.

    You're a wise man for seeking enlightenment Mr. Wood.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  4. #4
    WoodyWood's Avatar
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    Thank you ALL


    Thanks for the help. I have a friend that I have ran with since we were both in cub scouts, that is the Mopar King. I got with him yesterday night. I asked him the same thing. He kinda laughed and said NO its not a flat head, that some parts people are just dumb. I laughed and told him " Hell I dont know , ive never delt with a motor this old." All Ive ever had was Muscle Cars. My friend Lenny said that he will be over this weekend to help me finish the tear down so we can vat the engine. He also told me about www.hemihotheads.com . and they do carry a lot of 241 stuff. So again thanks for the help guys, you my have saved a poor Infantrymans life .
    Freedom isnt Free

  5. #5
    Mike P's Avatar
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    If we do this enough we will get the web site right

    It's www.hothemiheads.com

    www.hemihotheads.com . OR

    are both incorrect.
    Last edited by Mike P; 12-13-2004 at 05:56 AM.

  6. #6
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    You sure it isn't www.headshemihot, headshemicold, headshemiinapot, ninedaysold.com?
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  7. #7
    Mike P's Avatar
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    Naw, pretty sure I got the right one this time

  8. #8
    WoodyWood's Avatar
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    ok...ok.... wich is it??? lol
    Freedom isnt Free

  9. #9
    R Pope is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Don't be too hard on the poor parts man, Chrysler did build a 241 flathead six, so if you just gave him the number, he was right to ask. (If anybody cares, the 241 six was in early '40's Chryslers.)

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