The motor in that Meteor may have a Merc stroker crank in it as it is a Mercury. Meteors were a Mercury brand. We also had fords up here. Mercury sold Meteors and Monarchs and in 46-48 114 inch wheelbase Mercury 114's with the 114 X being the ultimate 114. Monarch was top of the line. Meteor grilles in 49 and 50 were similar to Mercs, but were shorter as the grille surround was smaller and they both used the same center chrome piece. 51 Meteor had its own grille and was not like any other ford or merc. The park lamp housings were ford as was the grille surround, but the grille was unique. 51 Merc was a carryover type styling of the 49-50 waterfall. 51 ford was a double bullet style. Hope this helps. By the way, I am interested in the grille if it is a 51. send me a pic. Thanks.