Well heck, if you want to spend that kind of money, might as well just wait til Ken Thurm gets his new heads for the V-12 done, then you've got really unique engine and still in the same family....

Problem being, could buy a crate motor from Sonny Leonard or John Kasse for less, and REALLY have some Ford power in a Ford!!!!!!

I do agree, Ford's belong in Ford's!!!! I'm just sooooooooooo tired of looking at a big long line of 'glass Deuces all powered by chebbies and the owner's of them coming off like they are the epitome of Hot Rodding!!!! Had my Deuce, powered by a Ford, loved it and really have no desire to build another!!!! So many other interesting and unusual cars out there still waiting to be built!!!!! Whatever happened to Dare to be Different, anyway????