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Thread: this thing is crazy

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  1. #1
    tyler's Avatar
    tyler is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 1973 porsche 914 283 v8 '65 Galaxie 406

    this thing is crazy


    well with all of the help form the great people on this forum i finally got my 406 running right. and man this thing makes some power. i am still smiling i really surprised a '95 corvette on the way to school today. i was sitting at a red light and the thing was just sitting there counting them off then this kid in a white '95 corvette pulls up next to me with his girlfriend in the car. he has to be a smart a** and strats reving so me being the testosterone filled teenager i am had to rev back. i reved it to about 3500rpm and he started laughing and shouted that thing sounds like it barely running. i look over and i was like it is dumba**. he was like make sure it doenst stall when you take off i just laughed. ok we will see about that the light turned green and we took off this moron couldnt drive a stick but whatever we were dead even haha at the next light he wouldnt even pull up next to me haha i love it im not really into street racing but i like showing people that just bc its old dont mean it cant get the job done. anyway i just needed to share that story with someone. i just felt good.
    Honda Motor= 1.6L
    Soda Bottle= 2L

  2. #2
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
    hotroddaddy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Yeah its always fun to do that to jerks that have to show off, we all know a vette is fast ,if you have to prove it then maybe they should have spent the money at a plastic sergeon instead, i usually just bark the tires at em, that makes em think twice, but sometimes they just need a wooping

  3. #3
    tyler's Avatar
    tyler is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 1973 porsche 914 283 v8 '65 Galaxie 406

    that car is just a lot more fun to drive now. i dont really drive fast or hot rod around bc im not too keen on getting tickets but its nice to know that the power is there if i want it
    Honda Motor= 1.6L
    Soda Bottle= 2L

  4. #4
    thesals's Avatar
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    i'm glad you have self control..... i love doing that to people to.... but when i got my first v-8 car, i got too many speeding tickets to count.... ended up in repeat offender traffic school a few times here.... which is not like regular traffic school, its more like an anger management course
    just because your car is faster, doesn't mean i cant outdrive you... give me a curvy mountain road and i'll beat you any day

  5. #5
    tyler's Avatar
    tyler is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 1973 porsche 914 283 v8 '65 Galaxie 406

    now if i could only get the carbs right so it will actually run when not under full throttle this is getting lame i posted in engine tuning maybe someone will stumble apon it and have the answer to the problem. im really trying to avoid having to take it to someone bc i like to figure things out by myself bc that how you learn and its a money thing also haha
    Honda Motor= 1.6L
    Soda Bottle= 2L

  6. #6
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
    hotroddaddy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 53 Ford Panel truck/59 tbird/73 VW Thing

    I stopped to get the wife some lunch today and some dork in a vette decided to show off ( i was in the merc) so when i get out he drives by and revs the engine and apparently forgot how to control a stick and popped the cluch and almost ran into the resturaunt, i just laughed, he got embarassed and had to back up, what a dork!

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