I think we all know the gone in 60 seconds Mustang . That's the one with the 428 FE . Check it out Wes and Dave 1000 HP . Denny did you tell some one about your build ? :LOL: COOL
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I think we all know the gone in 60 seconds Mustang . That's the one with the 428 FE . Check it out Wes and Dave 1000 HP . Denny did you tell some one about your build ? :LOL: COOL
Now I know way that Mustang could jump so high :LOL: :LOL:
But thanks to that FE he made it ! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
I like the first gone in 60 seconds . With that yellow 1973 Mustang . I think that one had a 351 C
I believe the ad board for the car sez Nearly 1,000 horse with nitrous??????? I'm sure an ad board at a car show is proof!!!!!!!:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: http://www.clubhotrod.com/forums/ima...s/laughing.gif
I guess when it is your car you can say just about anything.Quote:
Originally Posted by Dave Severson
To me it does not matter if he has 650,750,850 or 1,000 hp.
There is no way he could even come close to getting the car to hook up but the car does look really good.
Its not always about the hook ,I bet it pulls real good from about 65 to redline:LOL:
This is true.Quote:
Originally Posted by shawnlee28
Get ready :HMMM:
hey shawnlee i will give you a gold star for saying that:D .. you can roll out you do not need much hook i love to run then down on the top end**)Quote:
Originally Posted by shawnlee28
Here we GO :eek:
if you hit that will it dump out the oil out of the new holes in the oil pan or just dump out your pants ?? or both ??????
Come On That Fe Will Hold Up :) To that 1000 HP Build :cool:
yep and ?????? i just won the lotto:DQuote:
Originally Posted by tango
I am sure they used the good Rods ! Pat your not a Ford fan ? :LOL: :LOL:
why yes i am :oQuote:
Originally Posted by tango
You would have to use aftermarket parts for it to hold up a 1,000HP. It would have to be a Shelby, Geniuses, or a Pond block. H-Beam rod's, Aftermarket heads (more then likely) and other goodies.
By the way, the remake of Gone in 60 Seconds. The Stang's that they used also had small blocks in them beside the FE.....JMHO
The one in the photo was a 428 SCJ FE . With 650 HP with out the spray !Quote:
Originally Posted by Ford428CJ
637 is some really strong power for a 427!!!! I'd like to see the specs...wonder why the torque fell off so bad?????? Any guesses???
I would love to see the specs also.Quote:
Originally Posted by Dave Severson
It does not add up to me.**)
Yes,I will watch it.Quote:
Originally Posted by DennyW
Denny W they did have all the engines on dyno's . This should be the true HP ? And look the HP is a match with your FE Build how COOL is that .
I have to see this 637 hp FE engine run.
Did I hear them correct when they said the 426 Hemi made 820 hp???
I am going to have to call BS on this.Quote:
Originally Posted by DennyW
A 426 THAT MAKES 820 HP???
Over 1.92 hp per cubic inch???
With a mech. cam??
Anyone else wonder about this???
Am I missing something???
I watched it again and saw something else that was fishy with the Ford FE 427.
Is just me or does the Ford 427 have a "tunnel-port" intake on it??
I do know they came with two fours but Ford never had a "tunnel -port" intake that came from the factory.
I am waiting for some of the expert Mopar people to try and explain all this BS to me.Quote:
Originally Posted by DennyW
I have my can of BS spray waiting!!!!!:LOL:
Yes you are right it is a tunnelport engine. The tunnelport heads and intake were over the counter parts. And never came on a production 427.Quote:
Originally Posted by erik erikson
Wow Erik!!!!! Your not possibly suggesting that TV spec ratings could be "adjusted" according to the ad budget!!!!!!!??????? I mean heck, if it's on the boob tube, it must be fact, right?????
Anyway, I wasn't (then) questioning the merits or integrity of the show, just curious what the heck they did to the engine to make such good HP and yet manage to kill the torque number???????
But a box stock hemi with 820 horse....????? Don't think so....
Personally, whether your talking cars, sports, the news, or whatever I am just flat sick and tired of these "expert analysts who do nothing more then insert their blatantly biased opinions into a story and expect all us common folk to accept it as fact. Awwww forget it...that would be the subject of a brand new thread that Bill would probably be obliged to shut down after about the 3rd post!!!!!!!!:LOL: :LOL:
I Tivo'd that show and have watched it a few times. If I remember correctly the 409 showed a tic more HP on the dyno then they listed in the results. I'll have to watch it again to be sure but think I saw that right?? LOL
Denny,I know the Ford was wrong also but by how much I am un-sure.Quote:
Originally Posted by DennyW
I would like to know what head casting numbers where used on the Ford or the best flowing factory head that you could have got at the time.
I also want to know the factory cam specs. on the Ford.
I would say the Hemi would be off by over 200 hp.
I know the tunnel port heads are good heads, far better then the run of the mill medium risers, but I'd have to be a bit dubious on those numbers...
Heck, they're all a bit on the high side IMO.
I just checked out a Mopar web-site.
Even the Mopar boys are calling BS.
There are saying it is a stroker, with more compression than stock and has a very stout mech. roller cam along with well worked heads.
a 426 street hemi 820 HP no way in hell i have a very hard time buying that the 427 bbc was about were it i think should be i would think about 550 hp would be better .did they all get dyno with stock iron EX on them ????
well hell were was the LS6 or LS7Quote:
Originally Posted by erik erikson
They say those might be tested at a later date.Quote:
Originally Posted by pat mccarthy
Also on the tunnelport heads....in stock trim there is no flow gain over .600. They flow 292-300ish as cast. Ported maybe 320-340 although some claim more. I'd also like to know what cam they used besides what head, intake work was done. I do agree those numbers seems a bit high.
yep and who knows what numbers they will post???:whacked: how about one of them LS 7 that is 580 cid ? if there not going to play fair**) or a ZL1 /donovan 632 i have one they can dyno them D ck heads :3dSMILE:Quote:
Originally Posted by erik erikson
If those flow numbers are correct there would be enough head to support 575 to 600 hp in theory.Quote:
Originally Posted by FFR428
and thel88 427 chevy head is not ?