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Thread: have you seen/recognize these chrome thunderbird valve covers?

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  1. #1
    jeffing65 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    have you seen/recognize these chrome thunderbird valve covers?


    bought this fe a few days ago. i haven't brought it home yet so pics aren't great ( sorry). has anyone seen these valve covers before? i dont believe the vents pull out in any way therefore i assume them not to be from this motor. ( no oil filler tube in front of intake) this engine is a 69/70. 2v. hope 390 but wont confirm that for a few days. covers are chrome and are embossed "thunderbird " maybe from a boat?

    any help would be great! thanks
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  2. #2
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    Here is something I found online by searching for ... "valve covers "Thunderbird" lettering".

    M-Code Thunderbird High Performance 390 Sports V-8 Engine

    These limited edition engines differed in many details from the standard Thunderbird 390 Special V-8, and are identified by the "M" code letter stamping located in the fifth space of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) as well as on the data plate mounted on the driver's door lock facing. We will add to this list as we verify information.

    Chrome Dress-Up Kit (Standard with Sports V-8 option; Ford part numbers appear in parenthesis)
    - "THUNDERBIRD" raised lettering on valve covers (RH: C3AZ-6582-F; LH: C3AZ-6582-G)
    - Valve cover retaining bolts
    - Oil breather cap (C2SZ-6766-A)
    - Fuel log (C2SE-9D303-A)
    - Dip stick loop handle (C3AZ-6350-C)
    - Power steering reservoir cover (C2SZ-3A582-A)
    - Power steering reservoir filler cap (C2SZ-3A006-A)
    - Brake master cylinder reservoir cover (C2SZ-21162-A)
    - Radiator surge tank (C2SZ-8A080-A)
    - Radiator cap (C2SZ-8100-A)
    - Finned aluminum oval air cleaner assembly with Thunderbird ornament (Air cleaner: C2SZ-9600-A; ornament: C1SB-63606A08-A)

  3. #3
    34_40's Avatar
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    If it is a 69/70, it would have a pcv system, I don't see that and like you said already, no oil fill so 1 of those must come off.. how else would you get oil in it? pull a valve cover?

    It looks like they are a set, 1 left and 1 right - that puts the breathers either both front or both rear and that is pretty cool in itself! I'd like to have them if I had a FE motor.. just use an early intake with the pcv addition and oil filler in front! It'd be a neat setup imho... 8-)

    under edit.. I forgot to say welcome to the club! It good to see another blue oval guy around here! LOL..

  4. #4
    jeffing65 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I looked through every valve cover pic i could find on google and didnt find any like them. The motor is definitely a 69/ 70. ( and i hope a 390). Will go get it tomorrow and find out. I am going to look into the info Hotrodpaint posted above more. I am also wondering if they are possibly either a dealer installed dress up kit or a factory installed item. Or maybe a marine application..? They are right and left and your right... they are kinda cool LOL. I have a 427 low rise dual plane 2x4 intake off a 64 galaxie that i will use on it if it is worth putting together.

  5. #5
    jeffing65 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thanks for the info HOTRODPAINT. I will check into that further. They are certainly an earlier part so the 62/63 codes make sense. The motor is not the m code though for sure ( too bad ..lol) I only paid 150.00 for it and im pretty sure at the very least it will be a good a running motor as it is, after a good cleaning , a few gaskets, some good oil and a tuneup. Thanks very much for the great info. and i will add anything new I come up with.

  6. #6
    34_40's Avatar
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    I am pretty sure they are not factory because they would have to have some pcv connection, that was already a DOT requirement by the early 60's!

    Could be marine?.?.?. but my "gut reaction"... says I don't think so.. they are pretty cool!!

  7. #7
    jeffing65 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    yeah i thought about that too.. lol... also wondered if any aftermarket company made the embossed thunderbird in any covers. or Canadian, ???hahaha. the m code 390 6v didnt have them in any pic i could find. i will go get tomorrow and then maybe i can find a number on them.

  8. #8
    34_40's Avatar
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    I think they are aftermarket.. I do know they are COOL! Like I said earlier, run an early intake that can be setup with a pcv valve at the back and the oil fill at the front.

    I doubt you'll see anyone else with that setup!

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