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03-31-2016 03:07 PM #1
Recent FE 390 Rebuild. Engine Bogging when 4 Barrel kicking in. New Carb installed
Hello friends. First of all I'm sorry for showing my lack of discipline when breaking in my recent rebuild but I'm only human. I recently have been in the process of breaking in my 68 Ford Fairlane 500 Fastback. It has an FE 390 with a C6 transmission in it. It has a high performance cam, solid lifters and has been bored .060 over. I called Edelbrock before purchasing a carb for it and they suggested a 650 cfm Performer carb for it. I thought a 750 would be more appropriate but they thought the 650 was plenty. My problem is that the motor keeps spitting and sputtering most of the time whenever I put my foot down on the gas pedal. Appears as though when the 4 barrel is opening the car wants to bog in a most depressing manner. It idles fine and if I just give it some gentle pedal it's fine. Coming home just now it seemed to get a little better but then when I floored it bogging occurred til I let off of the gas some. I've never been thrilled with the amount of gas I'm seeing coming out of the jets when you look in the carb and pump the gas. I've adjusted the timing in several positions and it seems to not change anything. Just wondered what you good folks thought about this. Is this carb too wimpy for this motor? Seems to get a little better at times but never like it should be. Thanks in advance for any help. I did have an earlier post where I was complaining of it smoking some and the motor still only has about 125 miles on the new rebuild. The fuel filter is new as is the fuel pump. I was getting about 6 psi on the fuel line at the carb without even starting it up. I'm not smelling any fuel being wasted. I just think I'm not getting enough
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