Thread: Help!! 88 Ford 302
08-27-2003 02:14 PM #1
Help!! 88 Ford 302
I am getting a 302 for my 52 Ford Victoria... its has stock fuel injection and electronic ignition...
what do I have to do to run this thing as far as the electronics go? All the wiring is on the engine... but I don't really know what goes where...what is needed and what isn't... I just want to get it running... SO WHAT DO I DO???
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08-27-2003 07:27 PM #2
Oh Crap!! Am I headed into deep dark waters by this swap orrrrrrr what? Sounded like something simple... but if it's going to be a big cats ass in the reel... I may as well shoot the 52!!!
Maybe I should go get a model kit of a 52 and just "glue" it together and wish!!
All I wanted was something "simple"... Maybe I ask too much!!!
Damn.... I hate that when that happens!!
I think I'm going out for a drink tonight!! Oh brother!!
08-28-2003 06:11 AM #3
and look around their site. It ain't that hard, it is done all teh time.
If you have the donor car, it is pretty easy. If you don't then you add in the step of figuring out what is MISSING and go from there.
What year is the donor engine/EFI?
the concept is pretty simple, and you can acually MAKE a EFI setup from a home brew computer and boneyard parts for about $300. Since you have all hte engine sensors you could do this for $150 or so. see
From what i can gather, Ford does not use a seperate trans computer, so you may have to hunt up an aftermarket one. i know they make 'em for GM trannies so they must exist for ford. If you are using a maual trannie, no problem!
pretty much, things only plug in one way, wires are only so long, etc. Live nearby me? I'll stop over and help.Chris
Only the dead fish go with the flow.
08-28-2003 10:18 AM #4
It's easy, buy an aftermarket carburetor or fuel injection, an electric fuel pump, and an aftermarket distributor. They'll come with all the computers and instructions you'll need. All you have to do for most fuel injection kits is bolt the manifold on, hook up fuel, find somewhere to mount the computer, and plug the harness in. Distributors are even simpler if you get an HEI or something without any fancy computers.
09-03-2003 09:35 AM #5
Splinter's 302
Streets is right...
All I wanted was info on swapping out the 1988 302 with fuel injection and computer Ignition...
I cannot spend alot of $$$ for a simple engine swap... my 52 Ford is primer black with basic bare floorboards and Mexi blanket over the seats!!
It is a car I just acquired and am working on... I want to install the 302 but wondered how I can get it to run with NO INJECTION... NO COMPUTER CRAP!!!
I need a tranny... so a c4 or c6 or Ford AOD will work...
I hear you that an electric fuel pump would be needed... I have one...
A later flex plate... 50 oz is needed...
I'll be ripping every friggin' thing that "I CANNOT IDENTIFY" off the engine.... which is "EVERYTHING"!!!
I am an old school car enthusiast... so old school is "understandable" for me....
So $$$$$ is NOT in my plan!! I want CHEAP...CHEAP... CHEEP!!
Let's pretend I am an old farm boy with holes in my pockets... no $$ and I want to get the old family 1952 with a blown motor runnin' down the road... I have an engine sitting there in the barn and it is a 1988 302 with all the crap on it... I want to run down the road and maybe take Mary Lou to the Grange Dance next Saturday night and take her to Spawner's Roe....
Splinter!! So I sound desperate orrrrrrr What??!! Help!!
09-03-2003 10:28 AM #6
Well I don't think this can be done by a farm boy with no money to spend on it. Sell the fuel injected 302 to somebody who needs a f/i 302 and use the money to buy another donor car like Richard did. An older car or pickup with a carb that's been wrecked or rusted but still runs good. It could cost less than buying a good used transmission. And you'll have all the parts you need to complete the swap. If you're really a farm boy you could even use the old body for a chicken coop. That would make streets happy. Nothing wasted. Ford parts cars are usually cheaper than Chevys. I just bought a rusty 80 Firebird a couple of months ago for $300, pulled the Chevy 350/350 and sold the body on ebay for $250. I found a new accel ditributor cap, coil, rotor, ignition module and plug wires in the trunk. Old Firebirds are much cheaper than old Camaros.
AL" Im gone'
09-03-2003 10:41 AM #7
To The Al Show
Thanks Al....
That sounds like the thing to do... I've already been thinking about that as well... I found a 80's vintage pickup with a good 350/350 with headers and everything non computerized...
I think I'll just go that way... Chevy extra's are everywhere, but as it is... the truck engine is a good runner and all I have to do is deal with motor mounts and tranny mounts and of course drive line... until I can put in a better ford rear...
Thanks... this 302 deal has just been a headache!!
P.S. and I really am not a farm boy... I am actually a city/country biker that has been into cars for a long time.. but am definately not a computer engine person!!!
09-03-2003 11:01 AM #8
Splinter, you want one more headache with the 302? Odds are the oil pan would interfere with the front crossmember. You can get a kit from Ford to deal with that, but as I recall the parts total about $300.00 ! The Chev pan would already be a rear sump, so voila'.Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon
It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.
Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.
09-03-2003 11:04 AM #9
well if you find yerself lookin fer any more parts i am sure i cuold scrounge some stuff up. loose ends. Got a sbc intake (egr but easy ta plug), carter afb four barrel. if ya come ta need these let me know think i got an hei layin around somewhere too. No charge o course.Justin RFFR
Isaiah 40:31
09-03-2003 05:32 PM #10
To Justin
Hey Justin,
You are "JUST" way too cool a guy! What can I say... People like you "JUST" ain't out there!! "Just" when you think your boat is sinking, someone like you is "JUST" right there to give you a helping hand...
"Just" what this world needs is MORE guys like you!!
Now wonder they called you Justin... Cuz you're "JUST IN" time!!
Thanks Bro...
09-03-2003 05:52 PM #11
If ya aint using it, it dont belong to you is pretty much the motto when I look at the crap I gotta store under the bed , in the cabinets, in the trunk, hidden at my work, in my friends garrage, at my other buddies house, in the missus closet, any way you get the idea. The stuff I got is Chevy if you decide ta go that route. And don't mention it cause many have done it for me and others alike, and if that is all it takes to make an impossible possible than lets give it hell.Justin RFFR
Isaiah 40:31
09-03-2003 06:00 PM #12
Again.... you are one hell of a guy!! I appreciate you more than you know.... Shit, what can I say? Thanks a bunch!!
Will keep you posted on my progress....
And yeah... I think I may just go the Chev route.... I'll sell the 302 to someone that has a blown 302 and needs to get up... just for enough to help me along...
Thanks again...
I guess there are "real live people" in San Francisco.... huh!!
I just always heard there were nothing but queers there... But Hey!! I'm here to tell everyone... "THERE ARE SOME REAL HONEST TO GOODNESS STREET RODDERS IN GOOD OL' FRISCO"!!!
Right on Justin!!!!
09-03-2003 06:31 PM #13
Well if that's the case, I'd sell the 302 and just crank kit the Flattie. Than you can retain all the current drivetrain and not have to worry about adapter plates and trannies and open driveline conversions (is yours open driveline?) and all that crap. Just rebuild the ol' flattie!Dan Ouellette
'25 T C-Cab
'47 Ford Coupe
'53 Ford Crestline
'53 Ford Mainline
-And 8 more Fords and 2 Mopars
10-31-2003 09:38 PM #14
The 302 ain't the least bit difficult. Just get a van oilpan and pickup and an early front cover and water pump. Aod trannys are pretty cheap because folks think they are junk. Actually the ham-handed idjits just screw up the tv cable adjustment. Intakes and carbs are cheap and readily available too.
I am getting rid of my efi stuff as soon as the guy comes to collect it. I pulled that stuff off when I put the 302 into the 64. I am a proponent of keeping it simple enough for me to repair later so I build it that way.sixty clicks West of Chu Lai
class of 69
11-01-2003 07:34 AM #15
You don't want that older Ford EFI crap. I have had two Crown Vics with it. Won't give you nothing but problems. Put an intake and carb on it. If you are going to use the stock heads remember to plug all the smog control ports in the rear of the head.Till you can get a better set of heads. The tranny on those if my memory is correct needs all that computer vacuum controls for the shifting. My cousin put one of those trannys in an older pick up and had to put a close hanger on the passing gear arm and move it as if it were being controlled by vacuum just to get it to shift even close. Real pain in the ass.It ain't broke if you can fix it.
I wore a camouflage T-shirt once. The response in the pub was "Oooh, it's a floating head!" .
the Official CHR joke page duel