Thread: Ford 302 --- I need help!
09-02-2003 09:35 PM #1
Ford 302 --- I need help!
I just acquired a 1988 302 with fuel injection and electronic ignition for my 1952 Ford Victoria...
I do not know anything about fuel injection units or the electronics on a Ford 302...
I have some questions, I need help on.
1. Can the manifold be swapped for a stock type manifold?
2. Can I exchange the distributor with a normal type distributor?
( By normal, I mean I do not have the "brain" for the
distributor and would like a simplified distributor to
swap out.)
3. Can I just take off a whole crap load of hoses and wiring to
simplify the whole mess?
I just want a normal type engine with old school tech so I can eliminate all the crap hanging on this engine...
Does anyone know these engines and able to help me out?
Signed.... Splinter..
If I can't find answers I will just swap everything out and put in a Chevy 350... I know what I can do with that!!!
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09-03-2003 07:24 AM #2
Yes, you can swap the intake for a traditional intake and carb set up, and as Streets said you might also want to consider a cam change to optimize the engine package, but it should run with the cam thats in it. The one minor glitch on the engine may be in the area of the fuel pump. There may not be a provision on th block for a mechanical pump, or the ecentric on the end of the cam to actuate it. This is solved by installing an in line electric fuel pump.
The only other major consideration will be the selection of a transmission. If your planning on running the tranny out of the donner car, you need to determine if any of the functions are computer controlled, and how to bypass them (check with a tranny shop). If you are planning on using an earlier tranny (C4-C6) or a manual tranny, make sure you get the correct flexplate/flywheel. The 302s were externally balanced, up until about 81 they used a 28 oz flywheel imbalance, and after they went to a 50 oz. You must use the latter style flywheel, or you will end up with a MAJOR engine vibration.I've NEVER seen a car come from the factory that couldn't be improved.....
09-03-2003 10:19 AM #3
Splinter's 302
Streets you ol' sum bit!!
You leave my Fat azz 350 pounder Mary Lou alone!!
She not only give me warmth in dah winter.. shade in the summer... But with a sack a flour... I cain have multiple areas of erotica wit her!!! Der jus ain't no gal like a Big Gurl dats fo sho...!!
An when I git dun unwrappin her fat legs offin duh door posts in my 52, I'm just plain tuckered out!!
Den and only den cain you have her!! Cuz I'm goin back to dah barn and sleep wit dah hogs!!
Thanks for the info... I think I understand now about the 302's...
09-03-2003 06:23 PM #4
You put a SBC in that thing and I'm gonna have to kick you in da NUTS.
My dad's friend/neighbor has a 302/C4 combo in his '51 Victoria, so if you need any particulars, I can pick his brain.
The later model swap is really upfront. You can actually just change out the front cover for one that does have a fuel pump boss. Even the '88 5.0's still had the fuel pump eccentric bolted to the cam even though it never used a mech. fuel pump.
And as everyone else was saying, you can strip 'er down to a long block and add all the early model stuff you want. Depending on how the engine will sit in the car you may want to keep the late model pan (depending on which one it is) for a better fit in your car. If you run a front sump pan, you'll have to change the front cover anyways to relocate the dipstick to the front of the engine. All the manifolds (exh and intake) will interchange as well with all the sheetmetal. You can use any distributor, even a points style if you desire, in the '88 302. Just be sure you have a bronze gear on the distrib or take the factory gear off the '88 distributor as the roller cam will require it. Not all the '88 engines were roller cam engines, but there were still quite a few, especially if it's out of a mustang. You'll have to decide whether or not to retain the serpentine belt setup as well. If you decide to oust it, you'll need to change the waterpump. (reverse rotation) That may also warrant the front cover change as well.
You're wide open to the selection of trannies. Like Streets said, there's an adapters available for just about any combo, C4 trans to flathead, or 302 to manual trans and such. Art Carr can supply you with the correct flexplate for the '88 302 swap, as they make flexplates for all oddball engine swaps. Personally, i'd go witht he AOD if you happened to get it with your 302. The T-5 can work just as well. But in all reality, simplicity says use a C4. Cheap easy and plentiful. C4's were used up until '80 and replaced by the standardized C5 and AOD trans. The C5 was a 2-3 year wonder (post '80) and was dropped from the line in a good hurry. Don't waste you time with those. '81 and '82 were the "guessing years" as for changed the balancing on the 302, so be careful on the tranny selection if you have to do that yet. All the AOD are 50oz imbalance EXCEPT the 5.8L 351W. Found in the full size cars, you'll find an AOD with a higher stall and the correct 28oz imbalance that'll bolt right up to your early 289/302 and not require an Art Carr flexplate.
BTW I have an '87 351W and '76 C4 in my '69 F100 so this kinda swap is really no big deal at all.Dan Ouellette
'25 T C-Cab
'47 Ford Coupe
'53 Ford Crestline
'53 Ford Mainline
-And 8 more Fords and 2 Mopars
09-03-2003 09:42 PM #5
To Dan
Hey Dan...
Oh what a load... this is what I needed to know for sure... I really got a kick out of the chevy swap comment!! Laughed my butt off...
I would like to talk to you more extensively so I will give you my email address... you prob already have it, but I'll give it to you anyway...
I saved this so I can work with it... I want you to know I just wanted to make the swap as an update.. not for kick butt performance... the fatty broke a valve and ceased the other day and I don't want to mess with it...
So will look your comments over and will keep the Ford if it is a no brainer and not hard to do...
I was at the Ford Fest car show this week end and mentioned the csb swap and got a crap load of "Aaaaaaaaaaw naaaaaw"!!
So would like to keep the Ford in Ford but was beginning to get discouraged... no one was giving me the "bone" I needed to keep going forward...
So email me and give me yours and maybe if you don't mind you can walk me through this...
As I said before... I am unemployed right now, but can do anything on my own and with as little $$ as possible.. I just need someone with some know-how to assist...
I don't want to sound lame or anything... but these new engines are a friggen nightmare!!!
Thanks for the motor head help...
09-04-2003 11:22 PM #6
Ok- sure time permitting, I can help you out as much as I can do from here. I know the 302 itself like the back of my hand but as far as putting it into you car, I'm not familiar with that chassis. BUT- my dad's neighbor has a '51 Victoria and if it's the same chassis, I'll definately run over to his place and snap a few pics with my digi-cam and pick his brain on exactly what he did. You may need to weld in some frame stands and a tranns x-member.... can you handle that? (have a welder or the welding skill) Again, I'll talk to Jim and see how he did his. Seems to me all his stuff bolted in.
Of course, the easiest would be to just rebuild the flattie. I'd guess you could probably get around $400+- for the 302 if she runs like a champ.
You got a digi-cam or some way that I can see? Sometimes it helps when doing this stuff on-line.Dan Ouellette
'25 T C-Cab
'47 Ford Coupe
'53 Ford Crestline
'53 Ford Mainline
-And 8 more Fords and 2 Mopars
09-05-2003 07:59 AM #7
To Dano
Yes I can weld and have a stick and wire feed welder, torches and all. I can fabricate whatever I need. So I'm good to go there..
But any other tech help would be appreciated..
You might have something there regarding keeping the flatty..."I'M SOOOOOOO CONFUSED"!!! HAHA
But will keep on the trail of...."What if"?? As far as the 302 goes...
Thanks Splinter
Oh and yes I do have a dig camera. I'll post or send you some pics...
09-05-2003 09:00 PM #8
Great! Good to know you have fabrication skill. Helps out a ton.
Let me shed a little light on the Flatty or 302 controversy.
Off the bat, running an old Flathead mill is worth a TON of cool points!Not only that but it'd be easiest and quicker for you.
Jim put a 302 in his because he logs a ton of out-of-town miles on his car. Not too many parts stores (even IN-town for that matter) that cars flathead parts. So that's the reason why he went to a 302/C4 setup and 8" rear end.
Just some food for thought. If you plan to keep it local or don't mind the backordering of a part every now and again, the Flattie may be your best bet, dollar for dollar.
I've been thinking about the swap on my own and it seems (even if you use a Chevy small block as well) you will be tied up in a few lumpy expenses unless you have a really good plentiful local wrecking yard. I doubt that, as alot have been drying up over the years. Things like the radiator, driveline, rear axle, tranny (or adapter plate) and exhaust are big ticket items and could put you at or over budget easily. Not to mention all the little nickle and dime crap like pullies and brackets add up.
So after thinking of the situation you're in now (unemployed) as I have been alot lately and will be by the end of this monthI feel that just either rebuilding the whole flattie or at least tossing a crank kit at it should put you back in the game and pretty cheaply. The 302, in the long run, would be better but may not be a wise choice considering your current monetary situation.
Either way, I'll be glad to help out as much as i can.Dan Ouellette
'25 T C-Cab
'47 Ford Coupe
'53 Ford Crestline
'53 Ford Mainline
-And 8 more Fords and 2 Mopars
09-06-2003 03:10 PM #9
I'll second what Streets says! You ani't got nuttin but time, buddy! After you know the extent of the damage, you'll be able to better determine which is the better route for sure.Dan Ouellette
'25 T C-Cab
'47 Ford Coupe
'53 Ford Crestline
'53 Ford Mainline
-And 8 more Fords and 2 Mopars
09-06-2003 04:15 PM #10
Dano, Dano, don't encourage him (Streets that is) PLEASE!!!Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon
It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.
Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.
01-06-2004 10:05 AM #11
Just found this site.I put an 89 302HO in my 53 f-100 with an AOD trans.Switched to carb.If you drive it like your family car it will run just fine.It will go down the road as fast as you want to cruise.If you just tromp on it will act like the exhaust is smashed shut.After some research I came to find out that it is the cam thats causing it.Just thought this might help...Lash
01-07-2004 03:54 AM #12
If you have the automatic to go with the 302 it will be an easy swap, fabricate some mounts and a junkyard special crossflow radiator will work fine. Still have to put exhaust on the thing, but that shouldn't be too bad. Change the cam, too. The fuelie cam (as mentioned in a previous post) will not work well with a carb. Whatever you borrow the distributor out of, get the ignition box with it. Ford in a Ford is the natural order of things. Disregard all this chebbie in a Ford stuff you here around here, obviously it is caused by brain damage from drugs in the 60's. Wait til next summer when I start on Jackie's 85 Vette that is gonna get a Windsor stroker motor with a 5 speed, gonna name the car "payback".... !!!!!Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
09-30-2005 11:32 PM #13
ok now you guys seem to have a clue about these engines
ok the problem ive got is i have a 88 ford thunderbird with a 302
its runnig really hot (without the ac on)
ive replaced the thermostat,radiator, and checked all the hoses for leaks
( there are none)
yet the car is still running hot any suggestions will greatly helpyou got to be your own man not a puppet on a string.
you got to stand for something or youll fall for anything.
10-01-2005 08:33 AM #14
Originally posted by Wraith
ok now you guys seem to have a clue about these engines
ok the problem ive got is i have a 88 ford thunderbird with a 302
its runnig really hot (without the ac on)
ive replaced the thermostat,radiator, and checked all the hoses for leaks
( there are none)
yet the car is still running hot any suggestions will greatly helpYou don't know what you've got til it's gone
Matt's 1951 Chevy Fleetline- Driver
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1930's styled hand built ratrod project
1974 Volkswagen Super Beetle Wolfsburg Edition- sold
10-02-2005 02:11 AM #15
no none of those i checked those a while back its really wierd problem maybe catalytic converter what do you guys think
ive had my mechanic look it over so its not the engine he says thats greatyou got to be your own man not a puppet on a string.
you got to stand for something or youll fall for anything.
I wore a camouflage T-shirt once. The response in the pub was "Oooh, it's a floating head!" .
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