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Thread: 1990 5.0 Fuel Pressure Regulator

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  1. #1
    Craig's Avatar
    Craig is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Mauldin SC
    Car Year, Make, Model: 87 XJ6 with a 95 LT1,71 Triumph Spitfire

    1990 5.0 Fuel Pressure Regulator


    Got a stock motor.
    I want to add a regulator and presure gauge to the fuel rail.
    I want to know what I'm looking at as far as a placement and mods needed to insert the parts. Looks like the fuel tube runs right up behind the alternator now and seems to be the best place to put it but, I've been wrong before!

    If I upgrade the rails and injectors in the future I am going to need these two parts anyway and I thought it would be a good idea to have the pressure info from the very start before I start changing things around.

  2. #2
    47coupelg is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    your fuel rail should have a pressure regulator in the back on the drivers side already. you can get an adjustable one from borg- warner at most auto parts stores. you can get a gauge from Summit, Jegs or BBK that will screw on to the test port on the front of rail. this will work with any injector you run.

  3. #3
    Craig's Avatar
    Craig is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Jan 2004
    Mauldin SC
    Car Year, Make, Model: 87 XJ6 with a 95 LT1,71 Triumph Spitfire

    Worked on it Sunday from about 2:00 til 8:00PM
    Man is my back and legs sore! I'm not as young as I used to be!
    I had to remove the plenum to get to the rails, we got it installed, with no leaks. Only problem we ran into was the vacume lines that run all over the place. The car is a 1990 and those plastic lines are so brittle that if you just move one they break. I am heading out this afternoon to the parts store to buy some small diameter rubber hose to splice the lines back together.
    I do have one question, there was a U shaped bar that went from the back of the plenum down to the block. I am quessing that this is a support for the drivers side flange of the plenum? Am I correct?

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