Ford 300 Distributor
Ok guys, I'm stuck on this one, literally. I am currently working on a 1984 ford f-150 and have swapped in a 1989 motor. However, the distributor on the 89 motor is pretty well dead, being hit while moving the 89 motor home. The problem is that while I can turn the distributor housing, and the distributor rotates while cranking, it does not come free of the motor. I have tried tapping on the distributor shaft while pulling, tried turning the shaft while pulling it out, and nothing seems to work. Any ideas?
They do like to get stuck in the housing, famous for it. might try putting a little penetrating oil around the shaft and see if you can work it loose. Sometimes the only thing that works is a big pry bar and sacrificing the distributor......
Thanks Dave. I was kind of leaning towards that approach, but the penetrating oil is a good idea.As for trashing the distributor, Its already broke, so no fear. This ends today:D
Hey, just an update. The distributor is out via the "big pry bar" method, the motor sparks consistant and clean and it should run tomorrow when I get a decent battery. Thanks for the help:)
Good to hear it's up and running. Sometimes them buggers can really stick.