Thread: Valve springs
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02-12-2004 02:19 AM #1
Valve springs
I'm building a supercharged engine for the street. In the book "Do it yourself guide to street supercharging" the author Pat Ganahl recommends installing stiffer valve springs to ensure the blower pressure won't hang an intake valve open what would cause a backfire into the blower.
The engine I'm building has a mild street camshaft and won't be revved past 5500rpm so there is no need for the stiffer springs other than to make sure the intake valves will fully close under high boost.
This means the stiffer valve springs practically are not necessary on the exhaust side. Can I just install new intake valve springs and leave the stock exhaust valve springs in place? This way it will require less horsepower to open the valves as it would if I installed the stiffer intake and exhaust springs.
Will it work this way or will it cause problems (like uneven camshaft wear or something worse)??
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