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Thread: 302 Stroker??

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  1. #31
    34_40's Avatar
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    OH! And I love 70 Mavericks!

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    That is one wicked intake! Does it have "SHELBY" cast in front of the left carb? The angle's not good enough to be sure.

    Roger, I found this picture.
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  3. #33
    rspears's Avatar
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    Educate an old guy who never had anything that even hinted of needing 2x4's. With 3x2's or other multiples one carb runs the idle circuit, and the linkage is progressive, staging in the "secondary" carbs as you add more throttle. Do you set up 2x4's with a progressive linkage, so that it keeps the velocity up in one during idle and cruise, or are they both equally opened, both running idle circuits since the spacing might tend to overload one side of the engine a bit? I would imagine that trying to balance two sets of primaries to be right in the low to mid-range would be "interesting", as in potentially frustrating? Just wondering.....
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  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    Educate an old guy who never had anything that even hinted of needing 2x4's. With 3x2's or other multiples one carb runs the idle circuit, and the linkage is progressive, staging in the "secondary" carbs as you add more throttle. Do you set up 2x4's with a progressive linkage, so that it keeps the velocity up in one during idle and cruise, or are they both equally opened, both running idle circuits since the spacing might tend to overload one side of the engine a bit? I would imagine that trying to balance two sets of primaries to be right in the low to mid-range would be "interesting", as in potentially frustrating? Just wondering.....
    Well.. I'll have to admit, I've never run this style! And actually, this is the only one I've ever seen! But, after looking at the idle screws it looks like they've been set about the same and the idle screws are also set about the same. So I'm assuming that both were intended to be operated at the same time. Also, this isn't or wasn't intended to be a street manifold! The carbs were set for racing and even the chokes were removed.

    I know of one manifold currently used in Vintage racing, one of the members of SAAC runs it. He runs a Cobra 2 in 1 Air Cleaner housing, and it looks very different being mounted "crooked"...

  5. #35
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    From what I see in the picture, the front carb doesn't start to come in until the secondaries in the rear carb start to open. I had an early Vette set of 2-4's on the 36 Ford coupe I had in the 60's and that is an in line set-up and there was a rod between the two carb's that could be adjusted so that the front carb would in almost as soon as you hit the gas, not at all or anywhere in between.
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  6. #36
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    Well it's been a long time but.. I finally got over to the machine shop and set up a delivery date to hand over the parts and have them turn it into a engine.

    I wanted to do the finish assembly but I just don't have the time! I'm spending so much time working away from home that the only way to move this forward is to hire it out! So I met up with the folks at my friendly auto machine shop , we outlined what I wanted to do and once they clear off some work already in progress, they'll work mine into the schedule.

    So I'll at least have some progress rather than just collecting dust!

  7. #37
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    Delivered the motor to the machine shop.. had them order the parts to do a 347 so there's no turning back now! Balanced and new forged pistons to boot!
    Dave Severson, randyr and rspears like this.

  8. #38
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    Maybe no turning back ......... but turning over is in your future
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  9. #39
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Good deal!!! Got to pull the trigger and get things done eventually!!!!!! 347's with the right cam and heads can be a neat little, quick revving engine!!!!!
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  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepi View Post
    Maybe no turning back ......... but turning over is in your future
    Okay, I'll bite. Whatcha talkin' about?

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by 34_40 View Post
    Okay, I'll bite. Whatcha talkin' about?
    He's talking about turning the engine over when you start it up.....what did you think??? LOL!!!
    pepi and rspears like this.
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  12. #42
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    I don't know what to think.... that's the question! I know I'll be turning over some cash!

  13. #43
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    Sometimes you just have to farm it out; I got to that point with the paint on my 48. What's your delivery date??

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by falconvan View Post
    Sometimes you just have to farm it out; I got to that point with the paint on my 48. What's your delivery date??
    It's supposed to be done in 2 weeks. I told him no rush as I'm not going to install it 'til this winter.
    I really wanted to do this one "hands on"... but, I wouldn't get it moving for who knows how long! At least I know it's done right also. In our monday morning phone exchange he already had it apart and measured up. He told me the "other" machine shop that did the 30 over bore had left the cylinders in terrible shape and it looked like they did the finish with a hand hone! And the cam bearings all had dents in them! Brand new but installed by a gorilla!

    So I'm glad it's getting looked after by a professional with 35 years experience. Thanks for the reply also!

  15. #45
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    I will do head gaskets and up but the heavy lifting, I am happy to leave that to folks like Pat or Jerry. Building the bottom end is tricky and experience pays off.
    I have two brains, one is lost and the other is out looking for it

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