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Md./Southern PA. Rodders

  1. moparme
    Well for a start, I'm here in Glyndon Md., just outside of Baltimore 20+ miles and the same distance from the Pa. line. So far I have attended shows from Ocean City Md to York Pa. This year maybe I'll stretch out the distance. Bryan
  2. moparme
    If you got heat or don't need it to make a winter run, this should be a change from sittin in front of the tube.
    February 7th
    11 am to 3 pm
    Winter Beater Cruise
    2nd Annual Winter Beater Cruise. Dash plaques & 3 trophies awarded for the ugliest cars! All CARS ARE WELCOME! Snow date is Sat. Feb. 14th 11 am - 3 pm Beat the Winter Blues by participating in a Winter Beater Cruise! Sponsored by Motor Menders Rod & Custom Club
  3. mopar34
    Looks to be a small group. Got to be more rodders in this area on this site than just the two of us. I know there's a lot of HAMB'rs in this area, guess they don't have dual memberships.

    Moparme - Hope you and your son enjoyed the Market last this past Saturday. They are a lot better when the weather is warm.
  4. moparme
    Mopar34 - Yea, well this is the time of the year that the thrasnin begins to be ready for the spring. Maybe that's why. Well, at least there is a place to assemble anyway. Thanks for jumpin in.
    Yes, we had a ball. He is very at home with these car shows. He loves to be able to see them up close. I hope he fills his mind with the many ideas that are presented at these shows. Anyway, Thanks Bob. It was nice finally meetin you. I do want a ride in your 34 sometime. Maybe at the York Show this year. Bryan
  5. mopar34
    Ride?? Hell I'll let you drive it when you want. A few cautions are needed since it tends to be a quick and unforgiving beast at times. Not bragging, just cautious.
  6. Paisano
    Hello folks,I'm the Paisano from West River,Md.I'm a retired FoMoCo tech having worked with Fords for better part of 40 years. specializing in electronics-electrical work since they began usuing electronics on them.Ive also specialized on rear axles,a/c,trim,etc.I've had this 33 Ford since I was 15 years old,now almost 61 years old.USMC,VietNam,family and responsiblity has keprt me away from finishing this project.Now I'm into it finally.Have just about completed all my Fe Ford engine parts to get that going.In process of removing body and finishing frame.Have boxed it and going further.the lists goes on--Thanks,Paisano
  7. moparme
    Welcome Paisano. Glad it's now three of us. Summer is almost over I guess. October's Ocean City MD show is left for me. I love that Fall show. Lots of nice cars and not too many vacationers in Oct. Thanks for dropping a line.

    Hey Bob..................... Wake up ! You going to OC this year? I'll be there on Thursday morning. I'm stayin in the condos back there behind Hooters.

    Hope to see ya.
  8. Paisano
    Thanks for the reply,I'd like to be at OC also this year,but can't.My wife just had both knees replaced and I got my hands full for a while.going to Carlisle October 3rd though.
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