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Thread: A little more progress

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    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    A little more progress


    Haven't had a lot to post updatewise, because we have been doing nothing but prep work and painting on my Son Dans rpu for the past several months. But finally the body is in final paint (SEM Hot Rod Black.......same as my 27) and most of the bed is also painted or at least primed.

    After we got the body painted Dan decided he would like a white firewall to break up all the black, so we sprayed it with Ford Wimbledon White, sort of an off white color. We were really happy with how it came out, and after it dried we are finally in a position to be able to assemble the cab for the final time. It will be fantastic to get all the parts that have been hanging up, laying on the floor and sofa, and generally all over the place for months, assembled into one small body.

    We also have 33 pieces we just got back from the powder coater, things like underdash supports, brake pedal mounts, etc, and those can now be bolted on. Every nut, bolt, and washer on the entire car is polished stainless, even those under the dash that will never be seen, and they sure make bolting stuff on fun. Here are some pictures of how we ended up this weekend. Still a lot more parts to bolt on, but this sure is a lot more fun than sanding and painting.

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  2. #2
    rspears's Avatar
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    Looks very nice, Don. Especially like that under dash detail. It's going to be a great truck.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  3. #3
    Old Coyote's Avatar
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    Wow !! That's looking really nice .......... beautiful work

  4. #4
    deuce4papa is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Great looking project! Firewall color change will definately break up all the black. Very nice. Thanks for posting.

  5. #5
    jyardgirl's Avatar
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    would have never thought of doing that. it really looks great.


  6. #6
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. When he told me he was going to spray the firewall again I was thinking "Oh no, not more work and it is already sprayed black and looking pretty good." But after we got it done I have to admit it really looks better. He and I have appointments at the upholsterer on Nov 1st, he for his rpu and me for my 27. He is going to see if they make an off white top upholstery material to match the firewall, plus we are going to spray his 32 grille insert the same white, so it should tie in ok.

    On a funny note, our shop has turned into stray cat central. We've been feeding the stray cats that live in the industrial park where our shop is, and now every night at about 9 am we have a crowd waiting for us. The other night we had about 10 of them there, some we have never seen before......and even a huge raccoon. I guess the word is out we are an easy touch. They are even so used to us now they come into the shop and lay down to watch us work. It is tough to get them out the door before we head home because they hide under cars and stuff and we have to do a nose count to make sure all of them are out.

    I wish we knew enough people to get these little guys adopted. They are all really sweet cats and love attention. We've been spoiling them with treats and chicken nuggets, and now some of them will take it right from our hands. Feel so sorry for these little guys.
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  7. #7
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Startin' to look like home stretch time................at last!!!!
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

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  8. #8
    fisheasy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    looking good Don!

  9. #9
    stovens's Avatar
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    wow way to go Dan and Don. Now you guys need a black and white checkerd floor to really set it off!
    The stainless looks great against the black body. Cute cats too. Looks like they found a nice temperary shelter from you guys!
    Buy it was hot enough here today to give you a run for the money in Florida. 100 degrees! Thank god we don't get the humidity you guys have. I still don't know how you work so much in the heat and humidity! Anyway way to go on the RPU.
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  10. #10
    lamin8r's Avatar
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    That r/pu is looking good,guys,,the Wimbledon white is a great idea,,all the inside of my F100 is done in that color,nice and neutral,not stark white..Yeah,those cats have got you guys by the bits and pieces...but I wouldnt be without the cats around home/work either..
    Micah 6:8

    If we aren't supposed to have midnight snacks,,,WHY is there a light in the refrigerator???


  11. #11
    choppedchevy's Avatar
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    lots of great work being done there. cant wait for it to be done. must be exciting. cat pics are great too. my wife enjoyed them. we have 9 cats,and a few raccoons too! thanks for posting.

  12. #12
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Bob, you're right, the end seems to actually be close......FINALLY.

    Steve, thanks. Hasn't this Summer been brutal? I really can't wait for fall to come.

    lamin8r, thanks. So you used that white too, huh? I like it a lot, very soft and oldtimey looking.

    Choppedchevy, thanks. I'd be like you and have at least 9 cats, if I had the room at home. They are just such loyal, fun pets and every day I get a good laugh out of something they do. I've got to find some homes for a few of the ones that come in the shop, especially Shmoo, the little gray kitten. (Yeah, Dan and I have named them all......Mama Kitty, Shmoo, Scaredy Cat, Baby Chewy, etc. ) They are our extended family. I'm going broke feeding them, especially since the Raccoon has showed up.

    Oh, I dropped off Dan's cowl cover today at the local body shop to have them prep it and prime it. Welding in the cowl vent created a few low spots and it will save Dan some time if they work it and skim it so all we have to do is shoot the final color on it. Bodywork is NOT our strong suit. Dan doesn't know I did that, but he'll be happy he doesn't have to mess with it, I'm pretty sure.


  13. #13
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    We are going to try to get a little more done every evening, when Dan gets home from work, then on his days off (Friday and Saturday) we will get the big stuff done. Last night and tonight we did a little more on the cab of his truck, like getting the brake setup installed, the gas pedal in, and the passenger door put in place. If we keep whittling away at the things we need to do we might actually have a shot at having it running for Thanksgiving in Daytona...............at least we are sue going to try.

    Few more pictures of the brake and gas pedal setups installed, and also the one door we got on. Black is so hard to photograph, nothing shows up.

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  14. #14
    lamin8r's Avatar
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    Yes,Don,good soft white..used it on the front bumper,wheels and headlight bezels too..
    Micah 6:8

    If we aren't supposed to have midnight snacks,,,WHY is there a light in the refrigerator???


  15. #15
    Ken Thurm's Avatar
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    Looks really good! To me, this is the fun part. Putting all the detailed parts on, it actually starts looking like a functioning car. It will all be worth it shortly!

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