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Thread: A little more progress

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    Itoldyouso's Avatar
    Itoldyouso is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    fort myers
    Car Year, Make, Model: '27 ford/'39 dodge/ '23 t

    A little more progress


    Haven't had a lot to post updatewise, because we have been doing nothing but prep work and painting on my Son Dans rpu for the past several months. But finally the body is in final paint (SEM Hot Rod Black.......same as my 27) and most of the bed is also painted or at least primed.

    After we got the body painted Dan decided he would like a white firewall to break up all the black, so we sprayed it with Ford Wimbledon White, sort of an off white color. We were really happy with how it came out, and after it dried we are finally in a position to be able to assemble the cab for the final time. It will be fantastic to get all the parts that have been hanging up, laying on the floor and sofa, and generally all over the place for months, assembled into one small body.

    We also have 33 pieces we just got back from the powder coater, things like underdash supports, brake pedal mounts, etc, and those can now be bolted on. Every nut, bolt, and washer on the entire car is polished stainless, even those under the dash that will never be seen, and they sure make bolting stuff on fun. Here are some pictures of how we ended up this weekend. Still a lot more parts to bolt on, but this sure is a lot more fun than sanding and painting.

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