Originally Posted by
Thanks everyone for the compliments, I'll pass them on to Dan. Although he is kind enough to say he and I built this car, the truth is, he did 99.9% of it. I was there to help lift heavy stuff, push it outside for painting, and sweep up sometimes, but he is the one who has hung in there for all these years and had this vision. No matter how I tried to get him to rush things sometimes, he wouldn't take any shortcuts. To say I am proud of how the car is turning out would be an understatement.
Bob, good suggestions on the striping. He is hoping to hook up with Skratch (the pinstriper who did my 23 and Don's 23) to have some subtle work done, and I will mention the wheels to him. As for the top, not familiar with the Lee style top you cite...........do you have any pictures?
The top he is planning will be done in a traditional style, with stitching around the side window opening, down the sides of the top, and around the rear window opening. He has ordered a 32 glass back window and frame from LeBaron Bonney and is going to have the upholsterer put that into a zip out rear window flap. The material came in, it is an off white to match the firewall and seats. Here is a taped up version of what profile he is shooting for. (if the back were slanted more it would hit his head when driving)