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Thread: I think we see the finish line!

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    Itoldyouso's Avatar
    Itoldyouso is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    fort myers
    Car Year, Make, Model: '27 ford/'39 dodge/ '23 t

    I think we see the finish line!


    We've taken a few week break from working on my Son Dan's RPU. We were just a little burned out and he needed a break from all the painting. But this weekend we decided to get the final pieces of the bed painted, and also the top of the cowl. Last night we sprayed 6 pieces and tonight we shot the last 4............well, almost the last 4. He still has his cowl vent to shoot, the 32 grille shell, and the headlights, but that is all small stuff compared to all the stuff we have shot so far.

    This weekends batch came out really nice, no runs, no bugs. It was windy so that probably kept the insects away. The plan is for him to polish about 120 stainless steel button head bolts this week and then next weekend we can assemble the bed with those. He isn't going to make it in time for Daytona at Thanksgiving, but he is ok with that, he doesn't want to take the fun out of the final assembly by rushing to make that deadline.

    Here are some of the final pieces we shot tonight.

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